[IRPCoalition] From the CoE CDMSI_Fwd: Questionnaire on sustainable media financing - deadline 15 September / Questionnaire sur le financement durable des médias - date limite 15 septembre

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Mon Jun 20 16:34:47 EEST 2022

Dear all

I hope this mail finds you all well, and safe. The call out below, and 
attached is from the CDMSI of the Council of Europe, which the IRPC 
attends as an official observer.

The survey may be of interest to a number of IRPC listserv members as 
individuals or representatives of your organizations and networks. The 
issue is also germane to the Charter of Human Rights and Principles for 
the Internet and work the IRPC has been doing at IGF and EuroDIG 
meetings, and elsewhere.

Best wishes


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Questionnaire on sustainable media financing - deadline 15 
September / Questionnaire sur le financement durable des médias - date 
limite 15 septembre
Date: 	Fri, 17 Jun 2022 17:51:46 +0000
From: 	CDMSI <CDMSI at coe.int>
To: 	CDMSI <CDMSI at coe.int>
CC: 	CHISCA Artemiza-Tatiana <Artemiza-Tatiana.CHISCA at coe.int>, UMEK 
Urska <Urska.UMEK at coe.int>, mission.coe at mfa.gov.al 
<mission.coe at mfa.gov.al>, rp_consell_europa at govern.ad 
<rp_consell_europa at govern.ad>, armenia.coe at mfa.am <armenia.coe at mfa.am>, 
strassburg-ov at bmeia.gv.at <strassburg-ov at bmeia.gv.at>, 
marie-christine.schaeffer at bmeia.gv.at 
<marie-christine.schaeffer at bmeia.gv.at>, 
azerbaijan_coe at mission.mfa.gov.az <azerbaijan_coe at mission.mfa.gov.az>, 
strasbourgpr at diplobel.fed.be <strasbourgpr at diplobel.fed.be>, 
representationbosnie at wanadoo.fr <representationbosnie at wanadoo.fr>, 
bulgarie at noos.fr <bulgarie at noos.fr>, rpcro at mvep.hr <rpcro at mvep.hr>, 
strasbourg at mfa.gov.cy <strasbourg at mfa.gov.cy>, 
coe.strasbourg at embassy.mzv.cz <coe.strasbourg at embassy.mzv.cz>, 
sxbrep at um.dk <sxbrep at um.dk>, mission.ce at mfa.ee <mission.ce at mfa.ee>, 
sanomat.ene at formin.fi <sanomat.ene at formin.fi>, 
rp.strasbourg-dfra at diplomatie.gouv.fr 
<rp.strasbourg-dfra at diplomatie.gouv.fr>, geomission.strasb at mfa.gov.ge 
<geomission.strasb at mfa.gov.ge>, reg2-io at stra.auswaertiges-amt.de 
<reg2-io at stra.auswaertiges-amt.de>, grdel.ce at mfa.gr <grdel.ce at mfa.gr>, 
mission.str at mfa.gov.hu <mission.str at mfa.gov.hu>, 
icedel.strasb at utn.stjr.is <icedel.strasb at utn.stjr.is>, 
strasbourgce at dfa.ie <strasbourgce at dfa.ie>, 
rappresentanza.strasburgo at esteri.it 
<rappresentanza.strasburgo at esteri.it>, rplatvia at mfa.gov.lv 
<rplatvia at mfa.gov.lv>, strasbourg at llv.li <strasbourg at llv.li>, 
christine.arnaud at sxb.llv.li <christine.arnaud at sxb.llv.li>, 
atstovybe.et at urm.lt <atstovybe.et at urm.lt>, strasbourg.rp at mae.etat.lu 
<strasbourg.rp at mae.etat.lu>, malta-coe.strasbourg at gov.mt 
<malta-coe.strasbourg at gov.mt>, strasbourg at mfa.gov.md 
<strasbourg at mfa.gov.md>, rpcde at diplomatie.gouv.mc 
<rpcde at diplomatie.gouv.mc>, coe at mfa.gov.me <coe at mfa.gov.me>, 
str at minbuza.nl <str at minbuza.nl>, strasbourg at mfa.gov.mk 
<strasbourg at mfa.gov.mk>, coe.strasbourg at mfa.no <coe.strasbourg at mfa.no>, 
strasburg.re.sekretariat at msz.gov.pl 
<strasburg.re.sekretariat at msz.gov.pl>, reporcde at orange.fr 
<reporcde at orange.fr>, strasbourg-coe at mae.ro <strasbourg-coe at mae.ro>, 
rp.sanmarino at wanadoo.fr <rp.sanmarino at wanadoo.fr>, 
mission.serbia.coe at mfa.rs <mission.serbia.coe at mfa.rs>, 
ce.strasbourg at mzv.sk <ce.strasbourg at mzv.sk>, 
slomission.strasbourg at gov.si <slomission.strasbourg at gov.si>, 
rep.estrasburgo.coe at maec.es <rep.estrasburgo.coe at maec.es>, 
rpsuede at gov.se <rpsuede at gov.se>, stc.vertretung-er at eda.admin.ch 
<stc.vertretung-er at eda.admin.ch>, nathalie.welsch at eda.admin.ch 
<nathalie.welsch at eda.admin.ch>, tr-delegation.coe at mfa.gov.tr 
<tr-delegation.coe at mfa.gov.tr>, pm_coe at mfa.gov.ua <pm_coe at mfa.gov.ua>, 
ukdelstrasbourg at fcdo.gov.uk <ukdelstrasbourg at fcdo.gov.uk>

Dear CDMSI members, participants and observers,

Please find attached a questionnaire on the national legislation and 
practices related to media financing which will inform the Good 
practices for sustainable media financing currently prepared by the 
Committee of experts on increasing resilience of the media (MSI-RES). 
Also attached is a short outline for the report.

We would appreciate to receive your replies by *15 September 2022*.

If you do not have access to all the data necessary to complete the 
questionnaire, we kindly ask you to answer the questions that you can 
and provide sources and explanations that can help the experts to better 
understand your respective national contexts.

You are likewise welcome to circulate the questionnaire among any 
stakeholders that you consider relevant in this context and capable of 
making a useful contribution to the report.

Kind regards,

Artemiza-Tatiana Chisca

Secretary to the CDMSI


Chers membres, participants et observateurs du CDMSI,

Veuillez trouver ci-joint un questionnaire sur la législation et les 
pratiques nationales relatives au financement des médias, qui servira de 
base au rapport sur les bonnes pratiques pour un financement durable des 
médias, actuellement préparé par le Comité d'experts sur le renforcement 
de la résilience des médias (MSI-RES). Vous trouverez également ci-joint 
un bref aperçu du rapport.

Nous vous serions reconnaissants de recevoir vos réponses avant *le 15 
septembre 2022*.

Si vous n'avez pas accès à toutes les données nécessaires pour remplir 
le questionnaire, nous vous demandons de répondre aux questions dont 
vous connaissez les réponses et de fournir des sources et des 
explications qui peuvent aider les experts à mieux comprendre vos 
contextes nationaux respectifs.

Vous êtes également invités à faire circuler le questionnaire parmi les 
parties prenantes que vous jugez pertinentes dans ce contexte et 
capables d'apporter une contribution utile au rapport.

Bien à vous,

Artemiza-Tatiana Chisca

Secrétaire du CDMSI
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