[IRP] Neelie Kroes speech on "Cloud computing and data protection"

Caspar Bowden travelling private e-mail tharg
Sun Nov 28 16:10:08 EET 2010


To compare with the current Charter draft, this is of interest as indicative
of the policy of the EU Commission Information Society Directorate. 

"...brave governments and brave thinking to deal with these issues. And the
Commission is prepared to be brave too. That is why we have started to work
on a cloud computing strategy. For this work, we will need your input in the
first half of 2011..."

Some excerpts:

Cloud & DP

.	need further research to enhance the security
features.."privacy-by-design" and "privacy-enhancing technologies". 
.	international companies claim ..(DP).. just a protectionist measure
in disguise. .assumptions are incorrect
.	(DP)."must have" feature . well-integrated in the design of cloud
computing products and services, from the very beginning of the business
.	winners will be those manufacturers and services providers - from
whatever country of origin - that understand the competitive advantage that
in-built privacy features provide
.	all the governments of all the countries where the cloud touches the
earth - that is, where the servers are located - must have legal frameworks
in place that guarantee adequate data protection and privacy. There can be
limited exceptions for reasons of public order and national security

DPD review
.	transparency: .possibility to review their choice in a user-friendly
manner at any time
.	Data minimisation: 
.	"right to be forgotten" - .Just like in real life, when you present
yourself on the net, you cannot assume no records exist of your past
actions. What matters is that in those cases any data records are made
irreversibly anonymous before further use is made of them. 
.	Data portability. . easily and freely transfer his or her data to
him or herself and then possibly to another service provider. 

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