[IRPCoalition] DC survey : Please add your comments by Monday 12 April

minda moreira mindamoreira at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 26 11:55:26 EET 2021

Dear all,

Following my last email, here is the link to the DCs survey on Google docs<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zpD27O5UBKMmQlykQcmCjMkzOxDt4z-d/view?usp=sharing>.

All Dynamic Coalitions are invited to participate in this survey, which is collecting input on the work of each DC.  This will later feed into a DC paper that is being developed by the DC Coordination Group and the IGF Secretariat.

This must be a collaborative exercise with all members of the Coalition and you are invited to comment on the document by Monday 12 April the latest.

After that we will transfer the input on this document to the online form to be submitted to the IGF secretariat no later than April 25th.

Many thanks and very best wishes,


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