[IRP] CoE Expert group "Rights of Internet Users" / Stockholm Internet Forum

Rikke Frank Joergensen rfj
Fri Apr 20 14:43:46 EEST 2012

Hi Matthias


I am sorry I missed your side event, due to the plenary session. In any case, it was great to see HR receiving such attention during the Stockholm meeting. 


Could you send around the final report from the collaboratory ?





From: irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org [mailto:irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org] On Behalf Of Matthias C. Kettemann
Sent: 20. april 2012 06:12
To: irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
Subject: [IRP] CoE Expert group "Rights of Internet Users" / Stockholm Internet Forum


Dear Meryem

that's great, thank you. We'll be sure to follow-up on this. 

Just writing to let you know that IRP's side event at the Stockholm Internet Forum (http://goo.gl/5p8U1) met with great success. Wolfgang Kleinw?chter, Martin Fleischer (Internet diplomacy czar of the German governemnt), Anriette from APC and I discussed with more than 20 interested participants the biggest challenges to implemenenting our Charter, the 10 R&P and HR on the Internet more generally. We all agreed that operationalization of HR would be a central challenge in 2012. 

Let me conclude with one of the nicer quotes from the exciting conference that sums up pretty well why wer are doing what we are doing - and why we should continue to fight for human rights on the Internet. And think about how best to operationalize them in 2012.

Her it goes: 

?Internet is awesome. Therefore, it needs to remain free.?
Niklas Lundblad, Sweden, Director of Public Policy Google Inc.

What's more to say? 

Kind regards


Am 19.04.2012 19:15, schrieb Meryem Marzouki: 

Dear IRP colleagues,
I'm representing EDRI (European Digital Rights) as observer to the Council of Europe CDMSI (Steering Committee on Media and Information Society, which held its 1st meeting agenda here: http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/standardsetting/media/CDMC/default_en.asp). Among many items on the agenda, the creation of an expert group on "Rights of Internet Users" was (MC-RIU) proposed by the Secretariat and discussed.
The tentative Terms of References and workplan proposed by the Secretariat  (see above link) were discussed during the 1st CDMSI meeting. 
Members States delegates agreed on its creation, provided that the terms of references are modified a bit, so that item (iii) of the "Main Tasks" now reads: "(iii) advise the CDMSI, upon its request, on all questions within its area of competence and on rights and responsibilities of internet users, intermediaries, and other internet actors." 
Anyway, the tasks remain wide enough to develop interesting work in the framework of the MC-RIU group. The main objective for the group, besides the "compendium of Internet users rights" would be to focus on existing recourses and remedies for users.
The group is supposed to be formed by 13 experts (this is the maximum allowed by the available budget, since experts are reimbursed for their expenses to attend the group meetings). It is currently written that these 13 will be 7 Member States representatives and 6 independent experts. After the discussion, there will be "at least" 7 Member States representatives. Of course, there could be more participants in the group, but the additional people will be called "observers". Note that the main difference is that observers don't get reimbursed for their expenses.
CDMSI members and observers were asked to send expression of interests and suggestions for independent experts (i.e. others than member states representatives) to the Secretariat by April 16. The CDMSI bureau will decide on final selection.
On behalf of EDRI, I expressed our interest to participate as expert, and I made suggestions for other independent experts, taking into account many criteria, such as a willing to include IRP people, as well as gender and country balance (needed to have the suggestions considered) and the fact that budget-wise, it is unlikely that the CoE would bring people based outside of the European continent. 
Again, not being in the small group of experts that will be selected doesn't mean not being able to participate to the work, though without travel funding to attend meetings. As the attached workplan mentions, at-large consultations will also be organized.
Obviously, this work would highly benefit from the work already done by the IRP (charter, 10 IRP, etc.), as well as by other groups on the same topic. I wanted to inform the coalition of this development, so that we can also collectively follow and participate to this new initiative, especially through the consultations that will be organized. Dixie and Matthias will probably make suggestions to follow-up on this.
Meryem Marzouki - Paris, France
Email: meryem at marzouki.info
Lab. LIP6/CNRS/UPMC - www-polytic.lip6.fr
IRIS (Imaginons un r?seau Internet solidaire) - www.iris.sgdg.org
EDRI (European Digital Rights) - www.edri.org
IRP mailing list
IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org

Univ.-Ass. Mag. iur. Matthias C. Kettemann, LL.M. (Harvard)
Institut f?r V?lkerrecht und Internationale Beziehungen
Karl-Franzens-Universit?t Graz
Universit?tsstra?e 15/A4, 8010 Graz, ?sterreich
T | +43 316 380 6711 (B?ro)
M | +43 676 701 7175 (mobil)
F | +43 316 380 9455
E | matthias.kettemann at uni-graz.at
Blog | internationallawandtheinternet.blogspot.com
Mag. iur. Matthias C. Kettemann, LL.M. (Harvard)
Teaching and Research Fellow
Institute of International Law and International Relations
University of Graz
Universit?tsstra?e 15/A4, 8010 Graz, Austria
T | +43 316 380 6711 (office)
M | +43 676 701 7175 (mobile)
F | +43 316 380 9455
E | matthias.kettemann at uni-graz.at
Blog | internationallawandtheinternet.blogspot.com
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