[IRP] Proposal for IRP Charter Revision

Lisa Horner lisa
Thu Jan 7 21:07:37 EET 2010

Hi all

There was a request in the Conference call to re-cap on the charter process.  Please see the original emails from Max and Meryem pasted at the bottom of the email which outline the process agreed so far.

Suggested changes discussed on the list and call include:

1) Allowing further comments on the Charter by the IRP and others until 15TH JANUARY.

2) Shifting the deadline for final comments on the new version of the charter to the 15th AUGUST, to be incorporated by the experts into a final version of the charter by 1ST SEPTEMBER to give us time to circulate before the IGF.

3)Holding an in-depth meeting of at least half a day to allow experts to justify and discuss the new draft in Spring 2010.  We have discussed whether the open consultations in Geneva (May 10th) might be a better opportunity to have the meeting than the Eurodig as a geographically broader range of people are likely to be there.  We'll also have remote participation.  PLEASE COULD ALL MEMBERS SEND ME AN EMAIL TO SAY IF YOU INTEND TO ATTEND THE OPEN CONSULTATIONS IN GENEVA AND/OR THE EURODIG IN MADRID IN APRIL.  We can then make a decision about the best place to have the meeting.  The expert group is primarily European at the moment, and the dates of the european meetinggs have already been decided.  It would therefore make sense to attach our meeting to one of the European events.  But if anyone has other ideas, please say.

4) Applying to the regional and national IGFs to have a workshop or session to encourage wider discussion of the charter, and/or IRP related discussion.  We need people who will be attending these to volunteer to take the lead with that.  So far, Carlos has agreed to take the lead for the Latin America regional IGF, and Max is taking the lead for the German national IGF.  Can anyone volunteer for regional IGFs in East Africa, West Africa, Central Africa and Eurodig?  Any other confirmed regional IGFs?

Please do send your responses.  

Thanks and all the best,

-----Original Message-----
From: Max Senges [mailto:maxsenges at gmail.com]
Sent: Mon 14/12/2009 14:22
To: Meryem Marzouki; irp
Cc: Lisa Horner; Rikke Frank Joergensen; Wolfgang Benedek
Subject: Re: Proposal for IRP Charter Revision
Deal IRPlers

please find a suggestion on planning for the Charter review process attached and copied below


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Meryem Marzouki <Meryem.Marzouki at lip6.fr>
Date: Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 1:25 PM
Subject: Proposal for IRP Charter Revision
To: Lisa Horner <lisa at global-partners.co.uk>, Max Senges <maxsenges at gmail.com>
Cc: Meryem Marzouki <Meryem.Marzouki at lip6.fr>, Rikke Frank Joergensen <rfj at humanrights.dk>, Wolfgang Benedek <wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at>

Dear Lisa and Max,

First of all, sorry for my silence till now: I'm overwhelmed with work, in addition to many NGO activities..

Please find attached the proposal for the IRP Charter Revision process. This is a brief summary of discussions between Rikke, Wolfgang and myself at IGF 2009, taking into account the discussion during IRP coalition meeting in Sharm El Sheikh, as well as some latest developments on the IRP coalition list and in our exchanges (EuroDIG as a main milestone, taking into account the Free Culture Forum Charter, in case the proposal to merge efforts is pursued).
Rikke and Wolfgang have already agreed on this summary, so this is our common final proposal to the coalition.

Feel free to share this proposal with the coalition, to collect and summarize comments from its members until the end of this month, and get back to us in early January with the coalition latest comments and final version of the charter that we should work on, obviously provided that the coalition accepts our proposal.

As far as I'm concerned, I'll be travelling abroad starting from the end of this week, thus not available for further discussions. I suspect Rikke and Wolfgang will be very busy too in this period.

Best regards,
Meryem Marzouki

IRP Coalition Charter Revision Process

Proposal from the Human Rights Expert Group to the IRP Coalition

(Summary of discussion during IGF 2009)

Meryem Marzouki - 14 December 2009




This proposal is a summary of the meeting held during IGF 2009 between the first three identified HR experts (Wolfgang Benedek, Rikke Frank Joergensen, Meryem Marzouki), followed by a discussion with the IRP coalition during its meeting of 18/11/2009. If accepted, this proposal will be the basis of the HR expert group work to produce the final charter, to be launched at IGF 2010.


Inputs to be taken into account, besides international human rights instruments and relevant literature:

-       IRP draft charter, as of 31st December 2009 (main input):


-       APC Charter: (http://www.apc.org/en/node/5677) 

-       Free Culture Forum Coalition draft charter: (http://www.fcforum.net <http://www.fcforum.net/> ) 

-       WSIS HR Caucus related documents, in particular the guideline for a HR approach


-       International Symposium on the Information Society, Human Dignity and Human Rights Geneva: "Statement on Human Rights, Human Dignity and the Information Society":


-       Other inputs if found relevant by the HR expert group in the course of the process.



-       Until 31st December 2009: further edits and comments by IRP members and agreement on the HR expert group work program (methodology and milestones). IRP representatives should provide last version (as of 31st December) of IRP charter to HR expert group.

-       From 1st January to 25 April 2010: HR expert group develop a first draft of the charter 

-       EuroDIG 2010 (29-30 April 2010, Madrid): first round of comments by IRP coalition and other EuroDIG participants. Subject to feasibility: organize a closed HR experts, organizations and institutions meeting.

-       From 1st May to 31st May 2010: Consultation with other HR experts and HR organizations and institutions.

-       From 1st June to 30 June 2010: HR expert group consolidates the draft

-       From 1st July to 31st August 2010: Latest (minor) comments by IRP coalition. Long period due to summer holidays. Synthesis of these comments to be provided to HR expert group by IRP representatives (this is needed given that only 10 days left for final consolidation)

-       From 1st September to 10 September: HR expert group consolidates the draft with latest comments.

-       IGF 2010 (14-17 September 2010, Vilnius): public launch of the charter



Structure and Methodology:

-       Structure: the final outcome will focus on a) the substantive rights and b) their realization, however not within the current structure in two different sections ("rights" and "principles" in the current IRP draft charter). The problem with two sections is that they present rights and principles as different layers, whereas principles - within HR terminology - represent the foundation of rights. We understand that the coalition wish to address "implementation principles", and are optimistic that this may be accomplished within the proposed Matrix model below. 

-       Methodology: the rough methodology, at this step, is to work using a matrix, where rights (article by article) are crossed with different layers (from physical to usage). The idea is to translate the rights while providing the requirements for their realization at each layer, a layer also corresponding to a category of actor. The requirements (the elements of the matrix) could be positive or negative, depending on the given right and the given layer. Moreover, the requirements could be of different kind: legal, economical, technical, behavioral, etc. Depending on progress, outcome and discussion results after the first round of consultations (April-May 2010), the IRP coalition could still consider working on implementation guidelines.


HR Expert Group:

-       Wolfgang Benedek (AT)

-       Rikke Frank  Joergensen (DK)

-       Meryem Marzouki (FR) - Group coordinator

-       Andrew Rens (ZA) - TBC (proposed by Anriette Esterhuysen)

-       Others experts from the South (Latin America, Asia) - Identification in process


Meryem Marzouki - Paris, France
Email: Meryem.Marzouki at lip6.fr
Lab. LIP6/CNRS/UPMC - www-polytic.lip6.fr
IRIS (Imaginons un r?seau Internet solidaire) - www.iris.sgdg.org
EDRI (European Digital Rights) - www.edri.org

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