[IRP] IGF 09 Sharm el Sheik

Ren Reynolds ren
Thu Nov 12 00:43:19 EET 2009

I arrive early on Friday 13 and leave on Saturday 22nd, I'll be at the  
Giga workshop so be great to meet old and new friends there.

I'll be based at the Savoy Sharm, for those that don't have them my  
full contact details are below.

tVPN are running the UK Government workshop that is Public Diplomacy  
in the Digital Age which will focus on Virtual Worlds - so all that  
are interested in virtual worlds do come to Session 235 Room 9 Siwa  
15:30 on Wednesday (Day 4). The updated speaker list etc is here: http://www.virtualpolicy.net/2009/08/26/un-igf-virtual-worlds-and-public-diplomacy-in-the-digital-age/


PS Sorry to have a promo as first post

web: www.renreynolds.com

Think Tank: www.virtualpolicy.net

blog: terranova.blogs.com

m (UK): +44(0) 7778 285 273

m (US, only when I?m there): +1 646-417-0641

Skype: RenZephyr

Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=734676997

Linked-in: www.linkedin.com/in/renreynolds

aim | bebo | club penguin | cyworld | del.icio.us | EvE | gax | gia |  
habbo (UK) | iLike | jaiku | last.fm | LOTR (EU: Laurelin) |   
MapelStory | pownce | profilactic | rupture | skype | secondlife | there.com 
  | tumblr. | twitter | upcoming | wacoopa | XBox Live: RenZephyr

facebook | flickr | MySpace | openID | plaxo: Ren Reynolds
WoW (US Ettrig):

Moshi Monster: www.moshimonsters.com/monsters/renreynolds
dopplr: www.dopplr.com/traveller/RenReynolds

spock: http://www.spock.com/user3c4282p51k10169012ck4cc82ss12k273757s00

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