[IRP] minutes from our may meeting

shaila mistry shailam
Thu May 14 22:05:46 EEST 2009

Hi Max and everyone
I apologize for my absence at the IRP meeting this morning . quite mysteriously my Internet died last night . So could not access contact information . I have read the minute s and noted the contents?.

Sorry to hear about the decision of the Italian Government . 

Many thanks to all of you for continuing the momentum!!
Life is too short ....challenge the rules
forgive quickly ... love truly ...and tenderly
laugh constantly .....and never stop dreaming !?

From: Max Senges maxsenges at gmail.com 
hi everybody

we had a very interesting meeting; first Jac from APC and me, and then Marco Pancini and Olivier Cr?pin-Leblond came and we continued to talk:

here are some updates:

1) The Italian Minister has decided not to hold the official Governmental Forum; BUT we (the coalition) really feel that we should hold a workshop and are in the process of organizing this. I for one have already bought my ticket...? The idea is team up and hold a super productive workshop and push our work forward. It seems that we can have a room in rome, but it is all a bit up in the air ----- please those interested in teaming up contact me or lisa

2) APC is interested in and has started preparations to review their Internet Rights Charter and I have asked whether we can partner with them in this review process. Jac promised me to investigate and tell us something tomorrow.? 

3) we have the mission review process underway Gabriela and Marianne have already contributed - please review http://internetrightsandprinciples.org/node/76 and share your feedback or edit the doc directly!

4) Olivier pointed us to two interesting news:

The Chinese Government has explicity stated: the delegation of China prefers the proposal put forward by Egypt, "Internet, an opportunity for all."? We think that this topic is very closely linked to the international financial crisis we're going through at the moment.? And in addition, it proves that the United Nations continue to work in order to promote the Internet.? As we have said in February, the rights and principles for Internet is not an appropriate theme because the words "rights and principles" don't have an appropriate definition.? As a meeting of the United Nations, it is not appropriate to adopt a theme which is not properly defined. [posted by "Kleinw?chter, Wolfgang"?to the governance list - bold by max] 

and @ http://lists.cpsr.org/lists/arc/governance/2009-05/msg00026.html? you will find a message from Wolfgang which has a link to a transcript of a statement by Vivian Redding which apparently proposes to create a G12 government body for Internet Governance

5) as already communicated, we had a really interesting online workshop on the theme of values, rights and principles you are very much invited to watch the video recording and give feedback @ http://internetrightsandprinciples.org/node/79

ok so far so good
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