[IRP] [REMINDER] monthly meeting 19th of March 17.00 GMT

Max Senges maxsenges
Thu Mar 19 17:25:55 EET 2009

Hi everybody

Sorry for the confusion i had a feeling that this day-light-saving-madness
is going to come up ;-)

- so the meeting is scheduled for 17.00 GMT and if i am not mistaken europe
has not changed to summertime (while the US has)

so the call is in 1.30 hours


i copy the agenda and conf call details again

hello everybody

Please RSVP for our monthly meeting next thursday 19th March @ 17.00 GMT

Proposed agenda:

   - Review/Ammend&Add/Accept Agenda
   - report from ICANN Summit - next steps Registrants Rights Charter
   - Meeting in Italy -- Lisa and others
   - Steering Committee and Merger
   - new steering committee members (we have Graciela, someone from IT for
      Change, plus somone from APC, and Rudi from ISOC Belgium who want to join
      the steering committee)
      - agree and celebrate ;-) the merger --- if there are any doubts
      please raise them this week
   - contribution to IGF review
   - proposals for workshops (i know Bertrand has one on Rights in
   - re-development of our mission statement
   - re-development of our website content (i think we can improve a lot by
   targeting why people/institutions/companies should join and what they can
   - Human Readable Privacy project meeting in Berlin

I am happy to have somebody else chair the meeting and i will definitly ask
whether somebody else can take minutes!

If nobody complains i suggest we use the conferencing service we used last
time - so please follow the instructions below:

*To use the HiDef Conferencing service, you may either call from:*

    *Skype Number:*
  *+9900827045305196 (Free)*     OR

*Telephone Number:* +1-201-793-9022 (normal rates to call US apply)

   - Conference Room Number: *5305196*


Dr. Max Senges



On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Anja Kovacs <anja at itforchange.net> wrote:

> Hi Max,
> Sorry for the delay - please find below this message my bio.
> I would like to try once more to join your meeting tonight, but I am not
> sure about the time: is it at 17.00 or 18.00 (on the website it says the
> latter), and have you changed to summer time already or not?
> I hope my participation in the call will go more smoothly this time!
> Speak to you soon then,
> Anja
> Dr. Anja Kovacs is a Senior Research Associate with IT for Change (ITfC),
> an Indian-based NGO that has been deeply involved in WSIS as well as
> post-WSIS activities.  This includes the IGF, where ITfC has especially
> focused on promoting a rights-based approach to the Internet and on enhanced
> cooperation as a way to address democratic deficits in global Internet
> policy making.  In the context of the IGF, Anja herself has been mostly
> involved in ITfC's rights-related work , especially in the promotion of
> gender issues and Southern perspectives in IG and in work relating to the
> (threatened) openness and publicness of the Internet.  She is an active
> member of the Gender DC.
> Prior to joining ITfC in September 2008, Anja worked as a researcher and
> activist in the field of gender, rights and vulnerability for fourteen
> years.  Active in research, teaching, advocacy and lobbying settings, she
> has particularly worked on issues relating to violence, political
> participation, employment and livelihoods, education and economic reform.
>  She has conducted extensive fieldwork throughout South Asia, has lectured
> in the field of development at the University of East Anglia in the UK, and
> has worked as an international consultant.  She has been based in India
> since 2001.
> Where the work of the IPR DC is concerned, Anja is particularly keen on
> thinking through in greater depth the application of earlier rights in the
> Internet age, as well as the possible requirement for new rights.  As with
> her other work, she will bring to the table an approach that looks at these
> issues through a gendered and Southern lens specifically.
> --
> Dr. Anja Kovacs
> Senior Research Associate
> IT for Change
> Bridging Development Realities and Technological Possibilities
> Tel: (00-91-80) 2665 4134, 2653 6890
> www.ITforChange.net
> www.IS-Watch.net
> http://India.IS-Watch.net
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