[IRP] !NEW! IRP-Blog: Posted Minutes--IRP 6/18/09

Max Senges max
Fri Jun 19 22:54:26 EEST 2009

Thanks Robert - good job!

I posted the minutes as a first post on our IRP blog @

The idea of the blog is to (a) allow people who are interested in our work
to stay updated without receiving all the discussion ping-pong and (b) to
syndicate reflections and news about our topics (if you are interested to
write blog-posts or have your relevant blog-posts syndicated from your own
blog or institution please contact me or jac)

please promote the blog to your peers who might be interested to "stay in
the loop" but dont want yet another mailing-list


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Bodle, Robert
<Robert_Bodle at mail.msj.edu>wrote:

> Minutes--IRP 6/18/09
> Attendees: Max, Lisa, Emily, Robert, Marco, Andrea, Rafik  (feel free to
> correct any errors/omissions - r)
> 1) IRP Workshop prior to the EuroDig 13th of September & IRP Meeting within
> the IGF preparation sessions
> 2) new Facebook Page
> 3) Our workshop plans for the IGF in Egypt
> 4) Human readable Privacy project
> 5) Engaging with the UN
> 6) APC charter
> 7) our Mission review
> 8) update on the report on values & rights approach to internet governance
> --
> 1) IRP Workshop prior to the EuroDig 13th of September & IRP Meeting within
> the IGF preparation sessions
> IRP workshop is canceled, two meetings proposed: 1) pre-event meeting (@
> community center) include dinner, 2) IGF preparation meeting (working toward
> IGF in Egypt)
> L -invite new members to attend both, however M ? wants to make sure work
> gets done at pre-event meeting.
> Revise two documents 1) internet charter, and 2) another doc (Lisa & Max).
> 2) new Facebook Page
> Announcement of IRP Facebook page, intentions. Max articulated 3
> information flows: 1)website, 2) mailing list 3) Facebook page.
> Suggestions for R to explore RSS apps for IRP Facebook page, crop logo, and
> upload videos and photos.
> M-outlines a staged approach to outreach on IRP website involving 3 levels
> of participation: 1) join fb page, 2) join listserv, 3) participate in
> coalition. Approach also geared toward different kinds of participants
> (organizations, individuals, companies).
> Support expressed for using Google Calendar. (Events can also be posted on
> FB page). Doodle used for scheduling was not supported.
> 3) Our workshop plans for the IGF in Egypt
> Contact/Invite people from participant profile on IRP site
> Hand in updated proposal--Deadline Aug 30--detailing what IRP has been
> doing to get a slot at IGF.
> 4) Human readable Privacy project
> Lawrence Lessig endorses project!. Developing a road map to make it a
> reality. French, German, and Dutch Embassies invite Max to speak (after
> IGF)?M will invite them to join the initiative.
> Andrea - France?s Defense Ministry is developing a ?rights internet
> charter? TBD
> 5) Engaging with the UN
> UN General Assembly in September
> Andrea-three workshops and one roundtable planned.  (Send invites)
> Workshops include: 1) SMS, 2) Freedom of information, 3) net censorship and
> filtering.
> Roundtable will be on ?multilingualism in cyberspace.? Some discussion of
> format, whether senior relevant players will have major announcements
> (closed door or open to public ? discussed).
> Some discussion of inviting Vint Cerf to IGF workshop/Eurodig (unclear)
> (invite from M, CC?d to Andre and Nicholas)
> UNESCO in October (Rafik joins)
> General conference (WSIS)
> Andrea- Internet governance to be written in as an agenda item?paragraph to
> be written by Andrea (Andrea and M discuss other uses for document?a
> statement that can get endorsement).
> 6) APC charter
> Emily?invitations, put discussion of agenda on list (APC Charter)
> Put a wiki page together for the agenda
> Invite needs to be sent out in the NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS.
> M- ?please contribute to charter? ? will be ?the main outreach instrument.?
> 7) our Mission review -- thanks Graciela! we need more people to chip in @
> http://internetrightsandprinciples.org/node/76
> M ? encourages reading and working on the IRP Mission Statement and
> expanding participation on it:
> L - will contact freedom of expression group &  Access to Knowledge
> Coalition
> M - will contact Privacy Coalition Group
> E- to contact Linguistic Diversity and Disabilities Group
> 8) update on the report on values & rights approach to internet governance
> M- stresses importance of distinguishing between human right and principles
> -reframe demands not as rights but principles
> -strategically less useful to call demands internet rights.
> [End ]
> --
> Robert Bodle, PhD
> Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
> College of Mount St. Joseph
> Cincinnati, Ohio 45233
> (513) 244-4829 (office)
> robert_bodle at mail.msj.edu
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> IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
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