[IRPCoalition] Fw: [DC] Internet We Want Framework | Inputs Deadline Extended to Friday, 8 March

minda moreira mindamoreira at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 4 12:31:56 EET 2024

Dear all,

The deadline for inputs to the IGF Leadership Panel's framework for "The Internet We Want" has been extended to Friday 8th March.

Our contribution is still on draft form:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RbopArGY97FyJJ9NWYCNG0MQlD9Zsbgz2QvbifxINRs/edit
Please feel free to contribute as soon as possible for submission by this Wednesday 6th March.

Please note that we are collaborating with our sister coalition, the Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values (DC-CIV).
The DC-CIV input has been submitted and we are grateful for the references to the IRPC work.

Many thanks and best wishes,

[on behalf of the IRPC SC]

From: IGF Secretariat <igf at un.org>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 10:01 AM
To: dc at intgovforum.org <dc at intgovforum.org>
Subject: [DC] Internet We Want Framework | Inputs Deadline Extended to Friday, 8 March


The IGF Leadership Panel’s framework for the “Internet We Want” remains open for comment until Friday, 8 March!


All still have the opportunity to share their thoughts on a vision for a digital ecosystem that is open, inclusive, trustworthy, secure and respects human rights.


COMMENT HERE!<https://www.intgovforum.org/en/content/the-internet-we-want>

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