A Primer on Data and Economic Justice

parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Tue Nov 29 15:30:30 EET 2022

IT for Change has done a 'Primer on Data and Economic Justice' for 
Global Partnership on AI which just got published. 

Data governance still focuses almost entirely on protection from harm, 
and on negative rights. With data being the most valuable resource in 
present times, we also need to develop conceptions on positive rights to 
the value of data, for data subjects, but also for data workers. For 
both these categories, individual as well collective economic data 
rights are needed. This Primer attempts some initial work in this 
direction, offering a four part rights based framework for data and 
economic justice.

Below as a teaser is the abstract, and table of contents.



Economic justice is about ensuring the maternal conditions that enable 
or are the basis of other kinds of justices. In a digital society, data 
and digital intelligence are the key resources, and therefore economic 
justice has to focus on how these resources and their control are 
distributed. Based on some existing work, this primer proposes four 
rights regarding data that can form the bedrock of data related economic 
justice; (1) right to benefit from one’s data, and avoid harm; (2) right 
to access and port one’s data; (3) right to appropriate representation 
in data; and (4) right to govern data and data based systems. These 
rights would be both individual and collective, depending on the nature 
of data. Practical steps for ensuring data related economic justice will 
center on digital platforms, which are the sites of most digital 
economic injustice – be it in relation to users/consumers; or economic 
actors like traders, farmers, SMEs, small service providers and workers; 
or across countries. The counter institution that can address these 
injustices and distribute data power more evenly is data 
infrastructures. Indeed, a number of legal/policy and programmatic 
initiatives already exist, mostly in the EU and India, that seek to 
employ the institution of data infrastructures to redistribute data 
power, and thus ensure economic justice. What is needed is to bring 
theoretical work on data justice closer to the ongoing economic 
legal/policy efforts, which in default have largely been patchy and 
inconsistent, and therefore unlikely to be effective. In the last 
section, the primer lays out a few areas for future theoretical research 
and evolution of data governance for economic justice.

*Table of Content*

*1. Economic justice in the digital 

*2. Data and economic justice: A theoretical 

*3. Platforms as sites of data-based economic 

*4. Data infrastructures: The key data institution for economic 

*5. Governing data for economic justice* 

*6. Future agenda for research and governance* 

Basing data laws in rights based framework for economic justice 

Collective economic rights to 

Data subject vs data holder – Who has the primary economic 

The right to participate in governing data-driven economic systems 

The inalienable social/community embeddedness of data 

Continuity with traditional institutions of economic 

Global economic data rights for a global digital 

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