IRPC updates, activities and opportunities

Meri Baghdasaryan meri.baghdasaryan at
Fri Jun 10 21:59:42 EEST 2022

Dear IRPC community,


We hope this email finds you well. Below we present recent IRPC updates, upcoming activities, and opportunities. 


IRPC priorities for 2022


The IRPC Steering Committee (SC) met on the March 24 and May 19, 2022.


This year the IRPC SC is focusing on Article 5 (Freedom of Expression & Information on the Internet), Article 18 (Right to Legal Remedy and Fair Trial for actions involving the Internet) and Article 19 (Right to Appropriate Social and International Order for the Internet) of the Charter and highlighting issues such as the protection of the rights of refugees and displaced people online or cybercrime. 


The IRPC SC also welcomes further collaborations with other initiatives and organisations on these and other issues, including environmental sustainability, AI and Human Rights.



IRPC recent activities
   - On April 28-29, the IRPC attended the online event on Freedom of Expression and Political Speech, organised by the Council of Europe.
   - On May 14, the IRPC participated in the YOUthDIG Webinar.
   - On June 1-2, the IRPC attended the Council of Europe's 21st Steering Committee on Media and Information Society  (CDMSI) Plenary Meeting.
   - On June 2, the IRPC followed some of the sessions at the SwissIGF and the launch of the CODES Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age at Stockholm +50.
   - The IRPC also participated in the FRA Research meeting on Human Rights, co-organized by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) and the German Ministry of Justice. 


Upcoming activities

IRPC at IGF 2022

The IRPC SC has been discussing the IRPC participation at this year’s IGF and is currently finalising the workshop proposals to meet the extended submission deadline.  


IRPC at EuroDIG 2022

The IRPC will be participating at the EuroDIG in Trieste from 20-22 June. 

Members of the IRPC SC are part of the organising team for Workshop 1 "From commitments to action: Assessing the effectiveness of pan-European policies and regulations for the green digital transformation" which will be held on 21 June 2022 | 10:30 - 11:30 CEST.  



The Internet Society is now accepting applications for this year's IGF Youth Ambassador Program.  The program is open for Internet Society members aged 18-30 who want to make a significant impact in their community, influence key Internet governance issues, receive training and mentoring, and engage with Internet stakeholders worldwide. Applications are open until 23 June 2022 at 23:59 UTC.

All the best,
(on behalf of IRPC SC) 
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