[IRPCoalition] Fw: [DC] Dynamic Coalitions participation in IGF 2021 preparatory phase

minda moreira mindamoreira at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 30 20:31:21 EEST 2021

FYI below.


From: Sorina Teleanu <teleanusorina at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 4:45 PM
To: IGF DC list <dc at intgovforum.org>
Subject: [DC] Dynamic Coalitions participation in IGF 2021 preparatory phase

Dear everyone,

In the lead up to the 16th IGF, a preparatory and engagement phase will be
held to support the goal of a more focused and impactful IGF and to
maximise stakeholder engagement. A draft plan/schedule outlining activities
to be held during this phase is available:

Dynamic Coalitions are invited to contribute to the IGF 2021 preparatory
phase in several ways:

1. Session dedicated to IGF intersessional activities

This session is tentatively scheduled for 15 September, and will include
updates from and discussions on the work being carried out by IGF
intersessional activities. Individual DCs interested in joining this
session are kindly invited to indicate this interest by sending me an email
as soon as possible, but not later than 20 August. More details on the
session will be shared later on.

2. DC session on the draft paper

As discussed earlier in the year, once our draft paper on DCs is ready, it
will be subject to public comment. Within the public comment period we can
organise a meeting to discuss the draft paper. The date will be set up at a
later stage.

3. Individual DC sessions

If, as an individual DCs, you are already planning any
sessions/webinars/meetings to be held between now and November, you are
kindly invited to integrate these sessions within the preparatory phase, in
particular if they relate with the IGF 2021 issue areas
All you have to do is send me an email with the details of your session
(date, time, title, participation details, etc.) and we will make sure to
include it in the overall plan of the preparatory phase.

4. Wiki pages for IGF 2021 issue areas

Currently, the Secretariat and the MAG are working on developing wiki pages
for the IGF 2021 issue areas. These will help map ongoing discussions and
initiatives within and beyond the IGF community in relation to the issue
areas. DCs will be invited to contribute to the wiki pages by sharing
information on activities they have undertaken/are undertaking as they
relate to specific issue areas (e.g. publications, summaries of
meetings/discussions). Please take this as a heads-up for the time being;
more details will be provided in due course.

We trust that the integration of DCs into the preparatory phase will help
increase the visibility of coalitions and their work and, possibly, attract
more interest and participation in this work.

Please also note that the preparatory phase includes several other
activities, as indicated in the schedule. You are most welcome to
participate in any of these activities as well, as they relate to your work
and interest.

Thank you!

Best regards,

DC mailing list
DC at intgovforum.org
To unsubscribe or manage your options please go to http://intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/dc_intgovforum.org
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