[IRPCoalition] Fwd: To Green the Internet, We Need RIPE (blog post)

minda moreira mindamoreira at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 30 14:30:21 EEST 2020

Dear all,

Sharing  the post<https://labs.ripe.net/Members/michael_oghia/to-green-the-internet-we-need-ripe> that SC member - Michael Oghia  wrote for RIPE Labs drawing on lessons from Plenary 4 at the EuroDIG.

Thank you Michael!

Best wishes,

From: IRP-SC <irp-sc-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org> on behalf of Michael J. Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2020 5:35 PM
To: IRPC <irp-sc at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
Subject: [IRP-SC] Fwd: To Green the Internet, We Need RIPE (blog post)

Hi everyone,

Below is a post<https://labs.ripe.net/Members/michael_oghia/to-green-the-internet-we-need-ripe> I wrote for RIPE Labs drawing on lessons from the EuroDIG session. It offers concrete suggestions and explains why operators and managers are at the forefront of the endeavour to make the Internet more sustainable.

Thank you for helping to push this envelope forward, and do let me know or add a comment if there's anything I missed.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mirjam Kuehne <mir at ripe.net<mailto:mir at ripe.net>>
Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 4:14 PM
Subject: [ripe-list] New on RIPE Labs: To Green the Internet, We Need RIPE
To: RIPE List <ripe-list at ripe.net<mailto:ripe-list at ripe.net>>

Dear colleagues,

What can you do - as a network operator and as a user - to work towards
a sustainable Internet? Read Michael Oghia's RIPE Labs article on why
support from the RIPE community is essential for a vision of a greener
ICT ecosystem to succeed:


Kind regards,
Mirjam Kühne
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