[IRPCoalition] IRPC updates: EuroDIG2020, Italian IRPC Charter and Proposals for CDMSI approval

minda moreira mindamoreira at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 1 12:33:43 EEST 2020

Dear all,

I hope you and your loved ones are keeping well. I am attaching the Council of Europe CDMSI's proposals for approval. Comments and input are open until the end of this week.

A few members of the Steering Committee have been involved in preparations for EuroDIG 2020's Plenary 4 - Greening Internet Governance: Environmental Sustainability and Digital Transformation<https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/Greening_Internet_governance_%E2%80%93_Environmental_sustainability_and_digital_transformation_%E2%80%93_PL_04_2020>, which will take place  on Friday 12 June at 17:00 CEST.

This year the EuroDIG will be hosted online via Zoom.  Registration<https://www.eurodig.org/index.php?id=756> is mandatory to attend the EuroDIG and the deadline is Tuesday 9 June. After that date, it is possible to access the sessions via live stream on the EuroDIG website, but no access to the Zoom rooms will be offered.
We hope to see some of you at the virtual EuroDIG and that you will be able to join us in this plenary. We expect it to be a very good session and also very relevant to advance Article 4 of the Charter. The organising team is encouraging great discussions, moderated by our SC member Michael Oghia, and Alexandra Lutz. Please feel free to bring your questions and your views on how the Internet Governance community can work together to ensure a green digital transformation.

Finally, some great news on the Italian translation of the Charter, which almost ready, with great thanks to Edoardo Celeste, Claudia Padovani, Mauro Santaniello, and students from the Universities of Padua and Salerno! We look forward to seeing the Italian version of the IRPC Charter in booklet format.

Our next Steering Committee meeting should be happening soon, and I will be sharing any other available updates then. In the meantime, we are always happy to receive your feedback and suggestions on the IRPC work.

All the best, and wishing you all a great week, and a happy June,

From: WHITHAM Julia <Julia.WHITHAM at coe.int>
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 11:30 AM
To: WHITHAM Julia <Julia.WHITHAM at coe.int>
Subject: CDMSI Bureau - Proposals for CDMSI approval / Propositions pour approbation par CDMSI

Message on behalf of Artemiza Chisca / Message de la part de Artemiza Chisca

Dear CDMSI members/participants/observers,

Please find attached proposals of the CDMSI Bureau, as agreed at their 18th (extra-ordinary) meeting which took place on 27 May via videolink, for your comments/tacit approval by 5 June 2020, pending preparation of the full meeting report.

More detailed information will be available in the Bureau meeting report which will be issued during the course of next week. Should you wish for further information or additional clarifications on the forthcoming Conference of Ministers responsible for media and information society and the planning of CDMSI activities, the Secretariat is ready to organise, pending the next CDMSI meeting, one or more informal Q&A sessions ( in English and/or French) via videoconferencing. You are kindly invited to indicate your interest for such an exchange, and your preferred language for it.   Please send your replies to me and to elena.dodonova at coe.int<mailto:elena.dodonova at coe.int>

Best regards

* * *

Chers membres, participants et observateurs,

Veuillez trouver ci-joint les propositions du Bureau du CDMSI, comme convenues lors de sa 18ème réunion (extraordinaire) qui a eu lieu le 27 mai par liaison vidéo, pour vos commentaires/approbation tacite d'ici le 5 juin 2020, en attendant la préparation du rapport complet de la réunion.

Des informations plus détaillées seront disponibles dans le rapport de la réunion du Bureau qui sera publié dans le courant de la semaine prochaine. Si vous souhaitez obtenir des informations ou des précisions supplémentaires sur la Conférence des ministres responsables des médias et de la société de l'information et sur la planification des activités du CDMSI, le Secrétariat est prêt à organiser, en attendant la prochaine réunion du CDMSI, une ou plusieurs séances informelles de questions-réponses (en anglais et/ou en français) par vidéoconférence. Vous êtes invités à indiquer votre intérêt pour un tel échange, et votre langue préférée pour celui-ci. Merci d’envoyer vos commentaires à moi et elena.dodonova at coe.int<mailto:elena.dodonova at coe.int>

Bien cordialement

[cid:image001.png at 01D634EB.585B84C0]
Julia Whitham
Information Society Department
DGI - Information Society - Action against Crime Directorate
Council of Europe - Conseil de l'Europe
AGORA Building - Office C.4.51.V
+ 33 (0) 3 88 41 35 66 / Fax + 33 (0) 3 90 21 50 33
julia.whitham at coe.int<mailto:julia.whitham at coe.int>

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