[IRPCoalition] [IRP-SC] Fwd: [governance] Fwd: [IGFmaglist] IGF 2020 Call For Validation of Thematic Tracks

June Parris parrisjune51 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 13:11:47 EET 2020

Absolutely agree. This is a very serious issue especially for Poland and the Global South. Every year after Hurricane season and cyclone season we have to rebuild and restart. Loss of jobs, loss of housing, loss of communications, water, electricity , displacement, psychological issues, immigration. Loss of food and agriculture. Reliance on the North for assistance and funding. The discussion can go on and on.

So under this heading we can cover,

Internet outages
Climate Refugees
Social science
Global warming
The list goes on and on.


June Parris

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From: IRP-SC <irp-sc-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org> on behalf of Michael J. Oghia <mike.oghia at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 05:49
To: Internet Rights and Principles DC
Cc: IRP-SC at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
Subject: [IRP-SC] Fwd: [governance] Fwd: [IGFmaglist] IGF 2020 Call For Validation of Thematic Tracks

FYI everyone. This could be a good opportunity for us to advocate for greater sustainability-related sessions at the IGF


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From: Arsène Tungali <governance at lists.riseup.net<mailto:governance at lists.riseup.net>>
Date: Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 10:32 AM
Subject: [governance] Fwd: [IGFmaglist] IGF 2020 Call For Validation of Thematic Tracks
To: governance <governance at lists.riseup.net<mailto:governance at lists.riseup.net>>


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From: Chengetai Masango <chengetai.masango at un.org<mailto:chengetai.masango at un.org>>
Date: Thu, Jan 23, 2020, 11:25 AM
Subject: [IGFmaglist] IGF 2020 Call For Validation of Thematic Tracks
To: MAG-public <Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org<mailto:Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>>

Dear All,

As agreed during the face-to-face MAG meeting. The IGF Secretariat has published the “IGF 2020 Call for Validation of Thematic Tracks.”
The deadline for input is 6 February


We would be grateful if you could please publicize this call amongst your various constituents and mailing lists.

Best regards

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