[IRPCoalition] Updates - EuroDIG Day 2

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Thu Jun 20 12:04:39 EEST 2019

Dear all

Following on from Minda's updates below a reminder to anyone attending
the EuroDIG in Den Haag today, for day 2, that our Flash Panel (Flash
13) on climate change and emerging technologies takes place at 4pm. In
the Everest room (Aptly named!)

Details via the Wiki at https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/Flash_13_2019

We have Minda Moreira, Hanane Boujemi, Tatiana Tropina, Michael Oghia,
and participants from other stakeholder groups participating.

30 minutes, open mic so bring your strong opinion and good arguments
with you.

We will consider the environmental impact and emerging issues around
sustainability over the lifeline of our digital-networked devices (from
mineral mines in the Congo, to assembly plants in China) and data-centre
and operating hubs that we need to connect  that heat up the planet from
Finland, through to Singapore, via major internet exchanges in Europe. 

The last section will address "what is to be done" in the spirit of the
School Strikes movement that demand policy and business commitments to
sustainable energy supply (without electricity, no internet, no social
media, no phones), human rights based manufacturing and mining labour
practices (this is a major issue that remains unaddressed from a global
perspective), and rights-respecting forms of digitalization of services
in our cities, institutions, and homes.

Be there or somewhere else

best wishes


On 18/06/2019 18:35, info at irpcharter.org wrote:
> Dear all,
> I hope this email finds you well and I am looking forward to meeting
> some of you later at the EuroDIG. 
> As per Marianne's email earlier, the IRPC will be participating in
>  *WS 2*: GDPR Implementation – Blind spots, opportunities, and the way
> forward
> <https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/GDPR_Implementation_%E2%80%93_Blind_spots,_opportunities,_and_the_way_forward_%E2%80%93_WS_02_2019> on
> day 1, tomorrow 19 June at 14.00 and we are also hosting *Flash
> 13:* Fighting climate change with emerging technologies – for good or
> ill?
> <https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/Fighting_climate_change_with_emerging_technologies_%E2%80%93_for_good_or_ill%3F_%E2%80%93_Flash_13_2019> on
> day 2, Thursday 20 June, 16.00. Please join us if you are in The
> Hague, or participating remotely.
> Our Steering Committee is now in full swing: we had our first meeting
> last March (notes can be find attached) and since then we have been
> working on restructuring the team to improve our outreach effort, by
> assigning roles to each of the members of the committee as below:
>   * Co-Chair: Minda Moreira
>   * Secretary: June Parris
>   * Communications Coordinator: Robert Bodle
>   * Outreach and Partnerships Coordinator: Hanane Boujemi and Mohamed
>     Farahad 
>   * Council of Europe CDMSI Observership Coordinator: Minda Moreira,
>     Marianne Franklin and Hanane Boujemi
> Regional Experts
>   * Africa: Rigobert Kenmogne
>   * Asia-Pacific: Marianne Franklin and Sahajman Shrestha
>   * Latin America And Caribbean: June Parris 
>   * Middle East and North Africa: Hanane Boujemi and Mohamed Farahad 
>   * Europe - Minda Moreira and Marianne Franklin 
>   * North America  - Robert Bodle
> Ongoing Projects
>   * Charter Booklet Project Coordinator: Marianne Franklin
>   * The Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet
>     Educational Resource Guide (v2) Coordinator: Robert Bodle
> In the last few weeks members of the IRPC SC have been involved in
> discussions at the MAG meeting, the Council of Europe CDMSI Meeting
> (notes attached) and RightsCon.
> Over the next months we will be working on the ongoing IRPC outreach
> projects: the next translations of the Charter, the educational
> resources guide, as well as participating in other IG related
> activities, and preparing our participation at this year’s IGF in Berlin.
> If you would like to contribute more actively, please feel free to
> reach out through this list, or for more specific activities and
> information, you are also welcome to contact the IRPC SC via our email
> address above.
> Best wishes and see you soon,
> Minda
> _______________________________________________
> IRP mailing list
> IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
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Marianne Franklin (PhD)
Professor of Global Media and Politics
Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications MA Program
Goldsmiths University of London
Department of Media, Communications, and Cultural Studies
New Cross, London SE14 6NW
Tel: +44 207 9197072
<m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>

UK/EU Hub Lead - Deathscapes: Mapping Race and Violence in Settler States, www.deathscapes.org

Editor: Human Rights and the Internet at openDemocracy

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