[IRPCoalition] Fwd: [IGFmaglist] MAG Selection Process - a "heads up"
Marianne Franklin
m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Wed Sep 27 15:01:32 EEST 2017
Dear all
FYI, see below!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lynn St.Amour <st.amour at bluewin.ch>
Date: Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 1:06 PM
Subject: [IGFmaglist] MAG Selection Process - a "heads up"
To: IGF Maglist <Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>
Dear MAG members,
I would like to give the MAG, and through them all the Stakeholder
communities, a "heads up" that the Secretariat and I have been working
to advance the MAG selection process within the UN. The IGF
Secretariat will launch the process in the coming weeks. The goal
would be to have the new appointments announced before the IGF meeting
in December of this year allowing a more seamless transition year to
year, and better supporting all the IGF activities.
This note is simply to minimize surprises and allow all stakeholders
to begin preparations. More information on the process and MAG
composition specifics will be made available shortly.
Please feel free to forward through your networks.
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Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org
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