[IRPCoalition] Fwd: ICT4D position at Save the Children

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Wed Nov 15 12:56:20 EET 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *jkoepsell via Knowledge Gateway* <jkoepsell at savechildren.org
<mailto:jkoepsell at savechildren.org>>
Date: 15 November 2017 at 00:02
Subject: [globaldigitalhealthnetwork] ICT4D position at Save the Children
To: Global Digital Health Network <mhealth at my.ibpinitiative.org
<mailto:mhealth at my.ibpinitiative.org>>

Dear colleagues,

As part of a new effort at Save the Children,we are seeking a
well-rounded expert in the field of Information and Communications
Technology for Development (ICT4D) to build and drive our technology
innovation strategy.  This individual will partner with the Office of
the President and our Innovations team as well as the Heads of our US
and International Programs to develop and implement technology based
solutions to bolster our health, education, humanitarian response,
hunger & livelihoods and child protection programs. 

 The ideal candidate will have the ability to build a team from the
ground up while leading technology initiatives that improve our program
results, increase our reach, amplify our impact, and position Save the
Children as an innovator in technology for development.  For a more
detailed job description and the opportunity to submit your resume for
consideration please visit our Career page at

  *----------  *


*Jeanne Koepsell*| *Save the Children*| CCM Advisor, Digital Health and
Innovations Lead

899 North Capitol St NE, Washington, DC 20002

www.SavetheChildren.org <http://www.savethechildren.org/>

+1 (202) 794-1657 <tel:+1%20202-794-1657>

+1 (203) 291-9930 <tel:+1%20203-291-9930> (mobile)

Jeannekjjj (skype)

jkoepsell at savechildren.org <mailto:jkoepsell at savechildren.org>  



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