[IRPCoalition] #IGF2015 DC Main Sessions and Online Consultation - Facebook Response

IRPCoalition info at irpcharter.org
Mon Oct 12 13:13:26 EEST 2015

Dear all

The Online consultations for all DC outputs that will be presented in 
the DC Main Session at the upcoming IGF are available for comment until 
the meeting.

Facebook has provided some concrete responses to sections of the IRPC 
Charter with suggested textual revisions.

A large number of you were active in the Charter drafting process so the 
current wording is very familiar to you. The revisions that Facebook 
suggest relate to some passages that may need revisiting in view of 
changes in the context since the Charter was released.

Responses to these suggestions can be made directly at 

FYI the draft schedule for the IGF is also available at 

Internet Rights and Principles Coalition
UN Internet Governance Forum
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