[IRPCoalition] Rapporteur and RP Moderator for the R2BF WS31 @IGF2015

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Thu Nov 5 14:21:26 EET 2015

Dear all

A lot of us are heading off to Brazil, and many others watching and 
supporting events there from elsewhere.

The IRPC is co-organizing WS31 on The 'Right To Be Forgotten' Rulings, 
<http://sched.co/4bRm> in partnership with WS142 Cases of these rulings 
and what we can learn <http://sched.co/4bih> later in the day on Weds.

We need a rapporteur and a RP moderator for WS31. If anyone is going and 
is able to volunteer for either role thanks for letting me know as soon 
as possible.

There are other key events in which the iRPC is involved (the DC Main 
Session/s, the IRPC organizing meeting, other workshops), quite a few 
actually so check out the schedule at 

Thanks in advance for responding to our need for these two roles..

Marianne Franklin, PhD
Professor of Global Media and Politics
Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications Program
Goldsmiths (University of London)
Department of Media & Communications
New Cross, London SE14 6NW
Tel: +44 20 7919 7072
<m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>
Chair of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet)
Steering Committee/Former Co-Chair Internet Rights & Principles Coalition (UN IGF)

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