[IRPCoalition] Book announcement - Freedom of Expression and the Internet

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Fri Jan 17 12:41:03 EET 2014

Dear both

Congratulations. An important contribution to the IRP work and I am 
looking forward to reading it!


On 17/01/2014 07:53, Rikke Frank Joergensen wrote:
> Dear Matthias and Wolfgang
> Congratulations to both of you ! Very timely book.
> Best
> Rikke
> *From:*irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org 
> [mailto:irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org] *On Behalf 
> Of *Matthias C. Kettemann
> *Sent:* 16. januar 2014 22:10
> *To:* irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
> *Subject:* [IRPCoalition] Book announcement - Freedom of Expression 
> and the Internet
> (sorry for cross-posting)
> Dear IRP colleagues,
> we are excited to announce the publication of our new book:
> Freedom of expression and the Internet
> *Freedom of expression and the Internet (2014)
> *Prof. Wolfgang Benedek and Dr Matthias C. Kettemann
> ISBN 978-92-871-7702-5, Number of pages : 192
> To order it, please visit the publisher's website at 
> https://book.coe.int/eur/en/human-rights-and-democracy/5810-freedom-of-expression-and-the-internet.html
> *What's it all about? *
> With the rise of the Internet, the opportunities to express oneself 
> have grown exponentially, as have the challenges to freedom of 
> expression. From the Arab Spring to the global Occupy movement, 
> freedom of expression on the Internet has had a profound impact on the 
> debates which shape our future. At the same time, an increasing number 
> of states use the Internet to spy on journalists and citizens, to 
> prosecute and jail bloggers, and to censor online information.
> This book sets out to answer essential questions regarding the extent 
> and limits of freedom of expression online. It seeks to shed light on 
> the often obscure landscape of what we are allowed to say online and 
> how our ideas, and the process of imparting and receiving information, 
> are protected.
> It shows the large ambit of rights protected by freedom of expression 
> -- including freedom of the media and the right to access information 
> via the Internet. It also highlights the importance of the 
> standard-setting, monitoring and promotion activities of international 
> and non-governmental organisations, with a chapter on relevant 
> national practices that illustrates how different states deal with the 
> challenge that the Internet has brought to ensuring freedom of 
> expression for all. As the importance of the Internet in our daily 
> lives grows, readers will find this book to be a valuable resource for 
> understanding the rights and obligations of each actor on the 
> Internet, including states, Internet companies and civil society.
> The book will be presented at a Council of Europe conference on human 
> rights on the Internet ("Shaping the digital environment -- ensuring 
> our rights on the Internet 
> <http://www.coe.int/t/informationsociety/Config2014/default_en.asp>") 
> on 13-14 March 2014 in Graz. More information on that will follow.
> Happy reading.
> Kind regards
> Wolfgang <mailto:wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at>& Matthias 
> <mailto:matthias.kettemann at gmail.com>
> -- 
> Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann, LL.M. (Harvard)
> Post-Doc Fellow | Cluster of Excellence " 
> <http://www.normativeorders.net/de/organisation/mitarbeiter-a-z/person/442>Normative 
> Orders 
> <http://www.normativeorders.net/de/organisation/mitarbeiter-a-z/person/442>" 
> <http://www.normativeorders.net/de/organisation/mitarbeiter-a-z/person/442>, 
> University of Frankfurt/Main
> Lecturer | Institute of International Law and International Relations, 
> University of Graz <http://voelkerrecht.uni-graz.at/en/>
> Research Affiliate | European Training and Research Centre for Human 
> Rights and Democracy, University of Graz 
> <http://trainingszentrum-menschenrechte.uni-graz.at/en/infos-fuer-studierende/>
> Exzellenzcluster "Normative Ordnungen", Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main
> EXC-8, Grüneburgplatz 1
> 60323 Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland
> E | matthias.kettemann at gmail.com <mailto:matthias.kettemann at gmail.com>
> T | 0049 176 817 50 920 (mobile, Germany)
> T | 0043 676 7017175 (mobile, Austria)
> T | 0049 69 798 31508 (office)
> Blog <http://internationallawandtheinternet.blogspot.com/> | SSRN 
> <http://ssrn.com/author=1957909> | Google Scholar 
> <http://scholar.google.ch/citations?user=8jRGt2QAAAAJ> | my new book 
> <http://www.elevenpub.com/law/catalogus/the-future-of-individuals-in-international-law> | 
> Amazon Authors' Page <http://www.amazon.de/-/e/B00DBT3K36>
> Twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/MCKettemann> | Facebook 
> <http://www.facebook.com/matthias.kettemann> | Google+ 
> <https://plus.google.com/u/0/116310540881122884114/posts>
> Recent publications:
> Freedom of Expression and the Internet (2014) 
> <https://book.coe.int/eur/en/human-rights-and-democracy/5810-freedom-of-expression-and-the-internet.html>
> Netzpolitik in Österreich [Net Politics in Austria] (2013, ed.) 
> <http://publikationen.collaboratory.at/mri/>
> Grenzen im Völkerrecht [Limits of International Law] (2013, ed.) 
> <http://www.jan-sramek-verlag.at/Buchdetails.455.0.html?buchID=139&cHash=e856a8a762>
> The Future of Individuals in International Law (2013) 
> <http://www.elevenpub.com/law/catalogus/the-future-of-individuals-in-international-law>
> European Yearbook on Human Rights 2013 (2013, co-edited) 
> <http://www.nwv.at/recht/verfassungsrecht/1019_european_yearbook_on_human_rights_2013/>
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> IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
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Dr Marianne Franklin
Professor of Global Media and Politics
Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications Program
Goldsmiths (University of London)
Department of Media & Communications
New Cross, London SE14 6NW
Tel: +44 20 7919 7072
<m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>
Co-Chair Internet Rights & Principles Coalition (UN IGF)

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