[IRPCoalition] [IRP] Netmundial EMC, 1st meeting, final version of the minutes

Matthias C. Kettemann matthias.kettemann at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 14:12:03 EET 2014

Dear all,

please find below the link to the final version of the minutes of the EMC's
first meeting of 27 January:


Kind regards


Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann, LL.M. (Harvard)
Post-Doc Fellow | Cluster of Excellence
University of Frankfurt/Main
Lecturer | Institute of International Law and International Relations,
University of Graz <http://voelkerrecht.uni-graz.at/en/>
Research Affiliate | European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights
and Democracy, University of

Exzellenzcluster "Normative Ordnungen", Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main
EXC-8, Grüneburgplatz 1
60323 Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland

E | matthias.kettemann at gmail.com
T | 0049 176 817 50 920 (mobile, Germany)
T | 0043 676 7017175 (mobile, Austria)
T | 0049 69 798 31508 (office)
Blog <http://internationallawandtheinternet.blogspot.com/> |
 | Google Scholar <http://scholar.google.ch/citations?user=8jRGt2QAAAAJ> | my
new book<http://www.elevenpub.com/law/catalogus/the-future-of-individuals-in-international-law>
 | Amazon Authors' Page  <http://www.amazon.de/-/e/B00DBT3K36>
Twitter <http://twitter.com/#%21/MCKettemann> |
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Recent publications:
Freedom of Expression and the Internet
Netzpolitik in Österreich [Net Politics in Austria] (2013,
Grenzen im Völkerrecht [Limits of International Law] (2013,
The Future of Individuals in International Law
European Yearbook on Human Rights 2013 (2013,
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