[IRPCoalition] IGF Kick-off: Rooftop Sunset Mixer at Mama Shelter on Sept. 1

Gigi Alford Alford at FreedomHouse.org
Tue Aug 26 04:20:31 EEST 2014

Dear IGF revelers,

Please join us at the Freedom House-hosted IGF Day 0 mixer on the rooftop of Mama Shelter -- near the convention center - on Monday, Sept. 1.
Come watch the sunset, mingle with other participants without a set agenda, and get your copy of the Freedom House special report for the IGF - The Struggle for Turkey's Internet - coming soon.

When: 19:00-21:00 Monday, September 1
Where: Rooftop at Mama Shelter Istanbul, 50-54 Istiklal Caddesi. Map<https://maps.google.com/maps?gs_rn=52&gs_ri=psy-ab&tok=vC0-UM3NNuFA-__wzQtBmQ&pq=mama+shelter&cp=13&gs_id=7b&xhr=t&client=firefox-a&hs=RUm&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.73612305,d.cWc&biw=1280&bih=631&um=1&ie=UTF-8&fb=1&gl=us&sll=41.035002,28.980444&sspn=0.0248616,0.0439463&cid=5453825671343699905&q=MAMA+SHELTER+ISTANBUL&sa=X&ei=s9_7U5_yDsXesASKtYHgBQ&sqi=2&ved=0COoBEPwSMA4>
RSVP: Here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kQSr_nqv2FpnIluQAeGbRrOYHqgoTcA2Eb0l0XXseGE/viewform> (Feel free to drop in as your schedule allows, we just need to plan for the right number of guests!)

Attached is a flyer with more details and here is the link<http://freedomhouse.org/event/rooftop-mixer-kickoff-2014-internet-governance-forum#.U_vZmiSRqJR>. Please circulate widely.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to either Nate Schenkkan, schenkkan at freedomhouse.org<mailto:schenkkan at freedomhouse.org>, or me.

We look forward to seeing everyone in less than a week!


p.s. As you know, Freedom House and the Internet Rights and Principles Coalition are co-facilitating a workshop on Friday, Sept. 5, at 9am: WS225: Online Freedoms and Access to Information Online<http://sched.co/1j2XHc4>. Given the early slot on the final day of a long conference, participants may need extra encouragement to attend, so join me in reminding everyone you see that this is primetime programming they don't want to miss!

Gigi Alford
Senior Program Officer
Global Internet Freedom Program
Freedom House
1301 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20036
alford at freedomhouse.org<mailto:alford at freedomhouse.org>
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