[IRPCoalition] Fwd: Media release by Internet Rights & Principles Coalition on the launch of the NZ Green Party’s Internet Rights and Freedom Bill

joy joy at apc.org
Wed Apr 23 05:57:45 EEST 2014

Thanks Marianne - I am just back from the launch now - it was small, but
attended by main television and radio stations. Really great to see this
direct reference to the Coalition's work and to the IRP Charter. APC
also issued a press release:  https://www.apc.org/en/node/19184 - thanks
especially, for the teamwork and support for this.
The local debate in New Zealand will be really interesting to follow in
the coming few months -  we can only be more inspired by the Marco de
Civil announcements today as well!


On 23/04/2014 12:21 p.m., IRPCoalition wrote:
> Dear all
> Good morning to all those of you in Sao Paulo. As the Net Mundial
> opens its second day, there is an exciting development for the IRPC
> Charter work taking off here in New Zealand; the launching of the NZ
> Green Party's Internet Rights and Freedoms Bill which is based on the
> IRPC Charter.
> The IRP SC readied a press release for this launch and can now send it
> to you all. We hope that all the list can show your support for this
> pioneering initiative from NZ; the first political party to make
> explicit use of the Charter for rights-based legislation.
> Gareth Hughes, the MP who has developed this bill explains it in less
> than 2 minutes here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzr9NbDvSQI
> The website is: http://internetrightsbill.org.nz
> The IRP SC press release is below fyi.
> Please circulate, and participate on the consultations. The IRPC
> website will provide access and updates as well shortly.
> best
> MF/RB and the whole SC
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	Media release by Internet Rights & Principles Coalition on
> the launch of the NZ Green Party’s Internet Rights and Freedom Bill
> Date: 	Wed, 23 Apr 2014 00:09:03 +0000
> From: 	Holly Donald <holly.donald at parliament.govt.nz>
> To: 	Holly Donald <holly.donald at parliament.govt.nz>
> Media release sent on behalf of the Steering Committee of the Internet
> Rights & Principles Coalition
> <http://www.internetrightsandprinciples.org>, UN Internet Governance Forum
> 23 April 2014
> *Media release by Internet Rights & Principles Coalition on the launch
> of the NZ Green Party’s Internet Rights and Freedom Bill*
> The Internet Rights and Principles Coalition
> <http://www.internetrightsandprinciples.org> (IRP Coalition) of
> the UN Internet Governance Forum <http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/>
> applaud the release of the NZ Green Party’s Internet Rights and
> Freedoms Bill
> <https://www.greens.org.nz/sites/default/files/internet_rights_and_freedoms_bill_final.pdf>
> for public consultation. The IRF Bill is a pioneering project for the
> internet in New Zealand to ensure that the protection and enjoyment of
> human rights and fundamental freedoms online are tangible and
> enforceable by law.
> At this time the world has witnessed how human rights can be
> undermined in the online environment as well as on the ground. Recent
> events, the Snowden revelations in particular, underscore the need to
> embed laws and remedies in rights-based principles for internet policy
> making at the national and international level. The NZ Green Party
> <http://internetrightsbill.org.nz/> has shown courage and foresight in
> putting the Internet Rights and Freedoms Bill forward at this time,
> showing leadership and cross-party commitment in their undertaking to
> make the legally authoritative Bill available for public consultation.
> This follows in the footsteps of the spirit of multi-stakeholder
> participation that the UN Internet Governance Forum has forged. It is
> also inspiring for the IRP Coalition, and all those involved in
> the Charter of Human Rights and Principles process (IRPC Charter)
> <http://internetrightsandprinciples.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/IRP_booklet_2nd-Edition14Nov2013.pdf> since
> its inception in 2008, to see New Zealand be the first country to pick
> up the mantle from Brazil’s pioneering Marco Civil
> <http://infojustice.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Marco-Civil-English-Translation-November-2013.pdf>,
> to bring human rights and principles for the internet into the heart
> of democratic political processes.
> The launch of the IRF Bill for the New Zealand context also
> underscores ongoing efforts by the international community to frame
> the future of the internet within international human rights law and
> norms. Wth this Bill the NZ Greens are taking up this challenge to put
> rights-based principles for the internet, now on the agenda of
> the 2014 Internet Governance Forum
> <http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/igf-2014-istanbul> and the Net Mundial
> Meeting in Brazil <http://netmundial.br> which is drawing to a
> conclusion today, into practice.
> We are particularly impressed with some of the innovative elements of
> the Bill; e.g. proposals for an Internet Rights Commissioner and
> Chief Technology Officer who can ensure that the rights and
> responsibilities outlined in this Bill also include remedies, the
> emphasis on environmentally sustainable internet development, the
> accessibility for all provisions, and the recognition of public
> service commitments to an affordable, equitable, and multiculturally
> accessible internet future for all New Zealanders.
> We would like to note our appreciation for the recognition that the NZ
> Green Party has given to the IRPC Charter of Human Rights and
> Principles for the Internet in its role as the formative framework for
> the IRF Bill. This launch today sees the NZ Green Party join forces
> with other intergovernmental and civil society organizations who have
> been engaging the IRPC Charter over the last few years; e.g.
> the Council of Europe <http://hub.coe.int>’s /Guide to Human Rights
> for Internet Users
> <http://hub.coe.int/press/newsroom?p_p_id=pressrelease&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode=view&_pressrelease_struts_action=%2Fext%2Fpressrelease%2Fview&_pressrelease_pressreleaseUrl=https%253A%252F%252Fwcd.coe.int%252FViewDoc.jsp%253Fid%253D2184807%2526Site%253DCM%2526BackColorInternet%253DC3C3C3%2526BackColorIntranet%253DEDB021%2526BackColorLogged%253DF5D383>/ and Hivos
> International’s <http://www.hivos.org> /Click Rights/
> <http://igmena.org/click-rights> education and awareness-raising
> campaign in the Middle East and North African region.
> We also acknowledge the invaluable role that Frank La Rue, the UN
> Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression
> <http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ISSUES/FREEDOMOPINION/Pages/OpinionIndex.aspx>,
> and the UN Human Rights Council
> <http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session20/A.HRC.20.L.13_en.doc>
> have played in this shift from aspiration to human rights-based
> legislation by recognizing that power holders in the online
> environment also have legal obligations to “exercise their power
> responsibly, refrain from violating human rights respect, protect, and
> fulfill them to the fullest extent possible” (IRPC Charter, Clause
> 20; IRPC Charter Booklet, 2013, page 26
> <http://internetrightsandprinciples.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/IRP_booklet_2nd-Edition14Nov2013.pdf>).
> As this Bill begins its journey from draft legislation and into the
> NZ lawbooks after a full and inclusive period of public consultation
> the IRP Coalition is committed to supporting this initiative by
> providing advice and support, as well as feedback on the text during
> this period of public consultation. The IRP Coalition Steering
> Committee looks forward to releasing the IRF Bill to the wider
> coalition at this launch so that the IRPC can provide a range of
> feedback into the process.
> To view or participate in the public consultation on the Bill, go
> to *www.internetrightsbill.org.nz <http://internetrightsbill.org.nz>* 
> /For more information: /
> Gareth Hughes, Green MP - 0274 229 290
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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