[IRPCoalition] [bestbits] Brazil summit

parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Sat Nov 23 04:39:21 EET 2013

I will like to participate in all....

Meanwhile, I had requested on the 'summit' sublist of BB that the term 
'orphan issues' is loaded and that the more appropriate term from Tunis 
agenda 'Internet-related public policy issues' be used under 3.2 below. 
I think Jeremy did change it then as per my suggestion.

The term 'orphan issues' was essentially introduced recently by the I* 
star group. To me it gives 'public policy issues' a status of kind of 
subsidiarity or dependency (in any case, certainly a lower status) to 
'IG issues of technical nature' that I* deals with - whereby it becomes 
more 'logical' to extend the ICANN model of governance to substantive 
public policy issues....


On Saturday 23 November 2013 02:03 AM, Marilia Maciel wrote:
>  1. Recommendation on process issues for the conference (remote
>     participation, stakeholder representation and selection)
>  2. Substantive input on universal Internet principles (based on Marco
>     Civil and/or other existing principles documents).
>  3. Substantive input on an institutional framework for
>     multistakeholder Internet governance including:
>      1. Internationalisation of ICANN (based on existing work done by
>         Internet Governance Project and/or others).
>      2. Orphan issues (based on existing proposals put before the WGEC
>         and the recommendations of the Correspondence Group).

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