[IRPCoalition] Update on 2014 "Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance", Brazil

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Wed Nov 20 13:36:42 EET 2013

Dear all

This mail is to update and inform about the upcoming meeting on Internet 
Governance being hosted in Brazil early next year: It was formally 
announced earlier this week. English version is in the mail pasted in 
below and Portuguese here; 

The preparatory organization and decisions about the meeting's aims and 
participatory model are in full swing this week at the ICANN meeting in 
Buenos Aires. Just how inclusive the meeting is going to be for all 
those wanting to take part, from the Global South and civil society 
organizations in particular, is a contentious issue at present. But two 
things have become clearer this week:

1) There is a concerted and combined effort from several broad networks 
(the Internet Governance Caucus, Best Bits, and the IRP Coalition, and 
NGOs such as APC) to advocate clearly to the Brazilian government hosts 
that this meeting is one that includes all stakeholders at all levels of 
preparation and during the meeting itself. A letter is being finalised 
to this effect which will be circulated shortly.

2) In terms of the meeting's aims and objectives, things are still also 
in flux. But one goal is emerging of interest to this coalition i.e. to 
forge a set of "global internet governance principles". As this 
coalition has been contributing directly to ongoing discussions around 
this aim and doing so from a human rights framework for some time 
already, the eventual program for this meeting is one we can contribute to.

There are other issues but I just wanted to update those of you on this 
list who have not been privy to the intense discussions on other lists. 
For context, the meeting idea has its origins partly in a statement from 
the Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff prior to the Bali IGF.


Some commentary from different actors include


As many individuals and smaller, or less well off organizations and 
groups are also committed to having any set of principles for the 
internet incorporate human rights standards the demands on time, energy, 
resources, and commitment over the long term have just been sharply 
increased going into next year. The 2014 UN IGF will be in the autumn in 
Istanbul so what happens, or not in Brazil may well affect that meeting 
as well as other ones where human rights and principles for the internet 
are on the agenda.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[bestbits] Announcement of the "Global Multistakeholder 
Meeting on,the Future on Internet Governance
Date: 	Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:23:32 -0200
From: 	Hartmut Richard Glaser <glaser at cgi.br>
Organization: 	CGI.br
To: 	Hartmut Glaser <glaser at cgi.br>

Dear All,

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), the Minister 
of Communications (MC) and
the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MRE) decided to announce next Monday, 
November 18, that Brazil will
host a multistakeholder event on the future on internet governance 
called: /*"Global Multistakeholder
Meeting on *//*the Future on Internet Governance"*/. The announcement 
will focus on the offer of Brazil to
host this event informing the date and the city where it will take place.

Details such as the organization, participants and the dynamic of the 
meeting will be announced later
together with representatives of other sectors and entities related to 
the Internet Governance.


Hartmut Glaser

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