[IRPCoalition] Fwd: [13 Principles] Fwd: UNESCO GC resolution Internet related issues

joy joy at apc.org
Tue Dec 10 22:27:48 EET 2013

Hi all - sharing a link to a recent UNESCO resolution on internet
related issues and which is linked to UNESCO work on the WSIS outcomes
(apologies for any cross postings).
The resolution is reasonably measured (references both Frank La Rue and
the HR council Resolution on internet and freedom of expression) and
with some quite specific direction in relation to further work by
UNESCO. The key point is this recommendation:

    Requests the Director-General to prepare a comprehensive study of
    the Internet-related issues within the mandate of UNESCO, including
    access to information and knowledge, freedom of expression, privacy,
    and ethical dimensions of the information society, containing
    possible options for future actions through convening an inclusive
    multi-stakeholder process which includes governments, private
    sector, civil society, international organizations and the technical
    community, to inform her report on the implementation of WSIS
    outcomes to the 38th session of the General Conference;

I am not sure on timing (presumably the middle of next year) - but have
asked to be kept informed. I would think the IRP Charter (among others)
would be a very useful input for this.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	UNESCO GC resolution Internet related issues
Date: 	Tue, 10 Dec 2013 10:17:32 +0000
From: 	Hu, Xianhong <x.hu at unesco.org>
To: 	Joy Liddicoat (joy at apc.org) <joy at apc.org>

Dear Joy,


For your information on the Resolution, pls see below link.




Best regards,





  *   Ms Xianhong HU, PhD

  *   Division for Freedom of Expression and Media Development

  *   Communication and Information Sector

  *   UNESCO

  *   7 place de Fontenoy

  *   75007 Paris, FRANCE

  *   Tel: +33(0)1 45 68 40 33

  *   E-mail: x.hu at unesco.org<mailto:x.hu at unesco.org
<mailto:x.hu at unesco.org%3cmailto:x.hu at unesco.org>>

  *   P Please consider your environmental responsibility before
printing  this e mail. Merci de penser à l'environnement avant
d'imprimer ce  message.


/Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the

/Nelson Mandela/

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