[IRPCoalition] Incoming IRP Steering Committee - link open until 16th December

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Tue Dec 10 12:26:19 EET 2013

Dear all

Just a reminder about new nominees for the IRP Steering Committee. The 
link is https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TBHJLZG

It is not a survey as such so this is not to ask people to fill in a 
questionnaire. What you will see are the profiles of the three nominees 
and the current SC fyi.

Feel free to add any comment if you wish. Otherwise, you need only 
indicate 'yes', 'no', or 'no comment'.

Thank you for supporting the coalition's work on human rights and 
principles for the internet by endorsing this committee for the coming year.

Safe travels for the festive season wherever you are.
Marianne F

Dr Marianne Franklin
Professor of Global Media and Politics
Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications Program
Goldsmiths (University of London)
Department of Media & Communications
New Cross, London SE14 6NW
Tel: +44 20 7919 7072
<m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>
Co-Chair Internet Rights & Principles Coalition (UN IGF)

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