[IRPCoalition] Internet principles and IGF 8

Marianne Franklin m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
Thu Nov 29 13:47:52 EET 2012

Dear all

These follow-on feedback points from the summary Matthias and I send are 
very helpful.

Thank you Marilia and Olivier and others for all these pertinent 
remarks, and constructive suggestions about moving the Charter itself 
forward and the Coalition's work in the year to come.

This overview of the Marco Civil process 
is a great example to follow for the work ahead of us in upgrading the 
current presentation of the main IRP Charter, Ten Principles and other 
documents in a similarly professional way. I think it will make moving 
forward more effective too. Also because the Marco Civil and the IRP 
Charter share a similar time-frame in terms of their launching within 
the IGF and beyond so there is already an important synergy there on 
various levels. The need to gather comprehensive knowledge of work in 
this area is also something the Coalition can take a lead on; more on 
this soon.

In my view, this link between the Marco Civil and the IRP Charter is 
also a very suitable starting point for the coalition to develop 
internal links between the Charter and other initiatives like this one 
from coalition member organizations i.e. links that are visible online 
(websites, Twitter feeds) that can show the range of issues, viewpoints, 
and geographical regions currently active in this area for others; not 
just one. Personally I am always wary of 'master narratives' but that is 
my view!

Looking back though, I do think we need to remember that getting human 
rights on the IGF and other agendas has been a major achievement and one 
all coalition members, and the coalition as a whole given that the IRP 
Charter was actually produced within the IGF working model, for all its 
limitations, should be proud of. We can all share this outcome even 
though there is still a lot of work to do in more concrete ways on the 

How? Well, at present there are many initiatives from coalition members, 
all with various perspectives and approaches yet all working somewhat 
separately and with little lateral coordination in terms of outreach and 
publicizing. Whilst there are clearly reasons for each initiative to 
want to stake its respective claim for or against human and other rights 
and the Internet, I am not suggesting that linking up and working on 
lateral connections need imply total agreement. But when it comes to 
putting human, and other rights effectively on the agenda my view is 
that there is strength in diversity and strength in showing that 
diversity in opinions, including differences in worldviews is a positive 

So, I agree wholeheartedly with Anriette's point about the need to avoid 
territoriality, turf-wars in other words, and OIivier's point about 
avoiding needlessly reinventing the wheel and also making sure that 
there is better coordination in programming terms for the next IGF for 
matters and events that concern everyone in the coalition.

Looking forward to hearing reports back to the list about the WCIT 

Are there any takers or anyone organizing something for the UNESCO meeting?


On 29/11/2012 01:23, Marilia Maciel wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am very glad to hear about this initiative to establish a dialogue 
> among the several parallel initiatives to develop Internet principles. 
> I think that the IRP coalition has developed a remarkable 
> collaborative document of principles, which is detailed and objective 
> at the same time. The coalition is a reference on the discussion about 
> principles, therefore, it makes sense that it is one of the key actors 
> to facilitate the forthcoming discussions about this topic.
> Regardless of the quality of IRP's document, I think that future 
> efforts should go on the direction of bringing together all valuable 
> initiatives of principles that have emerged lately, identify the 
> overlaps and the differences and, hopefully, come up with a document 
> that would "steal" good language and reflect the concerns from 
> different proposals. It is also my impression that the efforts that 
> have been made so far to map the initiatives of principles are too 
> focused on those that have emerged on the North of the globe. There 
> are interesting discussions about principles in Latin America, Africa 
> and Asia that need to be mapped and analyzed.
> As a first small contribution on that direction, CTS/FGV has build up 
> on the initial mapping that Wolfgang Klainwachter has made (translated 
> and published in Portuguese by Nupef) and has added side by side the 
> principles encompassed in Marco Civil (the Brazilian Civil Rights 
> Framework for the Internet) and in the list of principles by CGI.br. 
> Those who are interested can find it in the Annuary of digital 
> policies in Brazil (draft translation into English) pages 81-87 
> available at:
> http://observatoriodainternet.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Internet-Policy-Report-Brazil-2011.pdf. 
> My point is that a broader mapping of initiatives clearly needs to be 
> done. A roundtable sounds like a good idea,  specially if preceded by 
> some background work, and this all something that IRP could play a 
> role in.
> Best wishes,
> Marília
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond 
> <ocl at gih.com <mailto:ocl at gih.com>> wrote:
>     Thank you for your message, Parminder.
>     On 28/11/2012 10:03, parminder wrote:
>>     During the main session on emerging issues and going aheadat the
>>     IGF, there was a section on developing Internet principles. (This
>>     main session ran at the same time as the meeting of the IRP or
>>     Internet Rights and Principles dynamic coalition and therefore I
>>     could not attend the later and am looking forward to a report of
>>     the same.)
>     Did I read this correctly? The session on developing Internet
>     Principles took place at the same time as the meeting of the IRP?
>     Quite unfortunate. One of my comments during the IRP session was
>     that we have to stop letting the wheel be re-invented. We need to
>     publicise the IRP's work and let others build on this if they wish
>     to join forces, but not go round the pot 1000 times and turn
>     recurring circles. Oh -- and a general criticism of IGF Baku
>     organisation is that if someone wanted to have discussions run in
>     Silos, that's EXACTLY how hey would have organised it.
>     Kind regards,
>     Olivier
>     -- 
>     Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond, PhD
>     http://www.gih.com/ocl.html
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> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
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Dr Marianne Franklin
Convener: Global Media & Transnational Communications Program
Goldsmiths, University of London
Dept. of Media & Communications
New Cross, London SE14 6NW
Tel: +44 20 7919 7072
<m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk>

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