[IRPCoalition] Internet principles and IGF 8

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Wed Nov 28 20:00:59 EET 2012

Thank you for your message, Parminder.

On 28/11/2012 10:03, parminder wrote:
> During the main session on emerging issues and going aheadat the IGF,
> there was a section on developing Internet principles. (This main
> session ran at the same time as the meeting of the IRP or Internet
> Rights and Principles dynamic coalition and therefore I could not
> attend the later and am looking forward to a report of the same.)

Did I read this correctly? The session on developing Internet Principles
took place at the same time as the meeting of the IRP? Quite
unfortunate. One of my comments during the IRP session was that we have
to stop letting the wheel be re-invented. We need to publicise the IRP's
work and let others build on this if they wish to join forces, but not
go round the pot 1000 times and turn recurring circles. Oh -- and a
general criticism of IGF Baku organisation is that if someone wanted to
have discussions run in Silos, that's EXACTLY how hey would have
organised it.
Kind regards,


Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond, PhD

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