[IRP] Principle of no transborder harm
Grace Mutung'u Bomu
Tue Jul 17 18:14:09 EEST 2012
Thank you for this!
The question of transborder co-operation came up indirectly during
discussions on cybersecurity/cybercrime at the East African IGF today. It
wasn't however very clear what standards would be used for co-operation
because most if not all the East African countries have not yet developed
national legislation on the same. This would form an interesting background
for policy development.
2012/7/17 Kettemann, Matthias (matthias.kettemann at uni-graz.at) <
matthias.kettemann at uni-graz.at>
> Cher Bertrand, dear list, ****
> ** **
> thank you for this important point. I also feel that the international
> law-based (emerging) duties of states vis-?-vis the Internet are one of our
> field?s most exciting subjects. ****
> ** **
> Additionally, I feel that we need to look in more detail at the impact of
> the duty of cooperation on national Internet policies and the
> non-intervention principle. I?ve written about some of these issues in an
> analysis of the HRC resolution on human rights on the Internet which will
> appear on the EJIL Talk! (www.ejiltalk.org) next Monday.****
> ****
> I have also made the customary law argument in my doctoral thesis which
> will be published later this year by Eleven Internationa. Incidentally,
> this allows me to tell you that ? thanks to IRP member and my scientific
> father, Wolfgang Benedek ? I am now a doctor of laws.****
> ** **
> I?ll keep you posted about the publication. Let?s keep this discussion
> running.****
> ** **
> Kind regards****
> ** **
> Matthias****
> ** **
> ** **
> --****
> Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann, LL.M. (Harvard)****
> Teaching and Research Fellow****
> ** **
> Institute of International Law and International Relations****
> University of Graz****
> ** **
> Universit?tsstra?e 15/A4, 8010 Graz, Austria****
> ** **
> T | +43 316 380 6711 ****
> M | +43 676 701 7175 ****
> E | matthias.kettemann at uni-graz.at****
> Blog <http://internationallawandtheinternet.blogspot.com> | Twitter<http://twitter.com/#%21/MCKettemann>|
> Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/matthias.kettemann> | Google+<https://plus.google.com/u/0/116310540881122884114/posts>
> ****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *Von:* irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org [mailto:
> irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org] *Im Auftrag von *Bertrand
> de La Chapelle
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012 16:47
> *An:* IRP
> *Betreff:* [IRP] Principle of no transborder harm****
> ** **
> Dear all,****
> ** **
> In the context of the overall discussions on rights and principles for the
> Internet, I wanted to call attention to thIs recommendation of the
> Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe<https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?id=1835707&Site=CM&BackColorInternet=C3C3C3&BackColorIntranet=EDB021&BackColorLogged=F5D383>.
> It established an important notion regarding the responsibility of States
> to avoid national decisions or actions that would have a transborder impact
> on access to and use of the Internet. ****
> ** **
> The relevant paragraphs are as follows (emphasis added):****
> *1.1. No harm*****
> *1.1.1. States have the responsibility to ensure, in compliance with the
> standards recognised in international human rights law and with the
> principles of international law, that their actions do not have an
> adverse transboundary impact on access to and use of the Internet.*****
> *1.1.2. This should include, in particular, the responsibility to ensure
> that their actions within their jurisdictions do not illegitimately
> interfere with access to content outside their territorial boundaries or
> negatively impact the transboundary flow of Internet traffic.*****
> *1.2. Co-operation*****
> *States should co-operate in good faith with each other and with relevant
> stakeholders at all stages of development and implementation of
> Internet-related public policies to avoid any adverse transboundary
> impact on access to and use of the Internet.*****
> As you know, governments actions that can be interpreted as implementing
> an implicit higher norm represent - if repeated - a foundation for
> recognizing this norm as an emerging international principle. ****
> ** **
> In that regard, the fact that Egypt's shutting down access to the Internet
> on its territory during the Arab Spring left all the transit traffic
> untouched points to an emerging principle of "no tampering with transit
> traffic" that may prove very important in the future in particular for
> landlocked countries.****
> ** **
> This was the trigger for the introduction of the above paragraphs in the
> CoE recommendation and I thought it was useful to call attention to this
> dimension. ****
> ** **
> As a side note, it is interesting to look at this principle in the context
> of the rojadirecta and bodog cases. ****
> ** **
> Looking forward to more discussions on this topic in Baku. ****
> ** **
> Hope it helps. ****
> ** **
> Bertrand****
> ** **
> --
> ____________________
> Bertrand de La Chapelle****
> Internet & Jurisdiction Project Director, International Diplomatic Academy
> (www.internetjurisdiction.net)****
> Member, ICANN Board of Directors
> Tel : +33 (0)6 11 88 33 32
> "Le plus beau m?tier des hommes, c'est d'unir les hommes" Antoine de Saint
> Exup?ry
> ("there is no greater mission for humans than uniting humans")****
> ** **
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Grace L.N. Mutung'u (Bomu)
Skype: gracebomu
Twitter: GraceMutung'u (Bomu)
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