[IRP] Fwd: [ PRIVACY Forum ] Vint Cerf op-ed in the New York Times: "Internet Access Is Not a Human Right"

Wolf Ludwig wolf.ludwig
Thu Jan 5 15:34:38 EET 2012

Thanks for letting us know, Olivier. On this point, I don't agree with Vint Cerf or let's say, it's a question of definition again. Maybe Vint has another understanding about "human rights" ("that deserve protection") - what is a rather traditional and defensive approach like minors protection etc.? I believe that in the digital age *access itself* becomes / is crucial for people like access to clean water, health care or education ... And therefore it needs to be considered as a *basic* human/civil right, following a social and not a technical understanding.

Just my 2 cents for the beginning of this year,

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond wrote Thu, 05 Jan 2012 13:55
>FYI. Any comments?
>Kind regards,
>-------- Message original --------
>Sujet: 	[ PRIVACY Forum ] Vint Cerf op-ed in the New York Times:
>"Internet Access Is Not a Human Right"
>Date : 	Wed, 4 Jan 2012 23:01:38 -0800
>De : 	PRIVACY Forum mailing list <privacy at vortex.com>
>R?pondre ? : 	PRIVACY Forum mailing list <privacy at vortex.com>
>Pour : 	privacy-list at vortex.com
>Vint Cerf op-ed in the New York Times: "Internet Access Is Not a Human Right"
>http://j.mp/wwL9Ip  (New York Times)
>   "Improving the Internet is just one means, albeit an important one, by
>    which to improve the human condition. It must be done with an
>    appreciation for the civil and human rights that deserve protection -
>    without pretending that access itself is such a right."
> - - -
>Lauren Weinstein (lauren at vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren 
>Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility: http://www.pfir.org 
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