[IRP] FW: [IDRC] testy testy test

Brett Solomon brett
Wed Feb 22 01:10:48 EET 2012

Hi there,

Apologies for being slow to respond to a few earlier emails regarding the
international digital right coalition
(idrc at lists.accessnow.org)<IDRC at lists.accessnow.org>list - and for
Jochai and the team have been caught up with a range of activities,
including on HRC / ACTA over the last week (see the mash up video we
I wanted however to quickly respond following a conversation with Matthias
and Dixie (IRP co-chairs) and to let you know what was concluded:

*Name. *Regarding the name of the international digital right coalition
list (idrc at lists.accessnow.org) <IDRC at lists.accessnow.org>, unfortunately
renaming means reconfiguring a whole new list, migrating people over,
setting up aliases for the old list etc. Given we've already done that once
and over 70 organizations have signed up to the idrc list, we are going to
leave the name as is (international digital rights coalition - but without
the CAPS).
Joining other lists: *As you know, there have been requests for the list to
merge with the IRP list. We did some consultation and I got the sense that
people don't want to join another list, and are happy to surge around
issues only as needed (on an ad hoc basis), which is the primary purpose of
the idrc list. As Dixie pointed out, and which I agree as an IRP member,
the IRP list is more an information sharing/IGF planning space
(particularly at the moment).

We don't expect there to be huge amounts of traffic on the idrc list, but
will certainly ensure that any info is conveyed to the IRPers as needed -
and vice versa. I  also encourage others to join the IRP list.

Best wishes - and here's to an effective 2012!


Brett Solomon
Executive Director | Access
accessnow.org | rightscon.org
+1 917 969 6077 | skype: brettsolomon | @accessnow

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 4:50 AM, M.I.Franklin <cos02mf at gold.ac.uk> wrote:

> +1 too
> --On Saturday, February 11, 2012 9:32 -0200 Graciela Selaimen <
> graciela at nupef.org.br> wrote:
>  +1.
>> best,
>>  Graci
>> Em 2/11/12 5:29 AM, parminder escreveu:
>> On Friday 10 February 2012 07:29 PM, Lee W McKnight wrote:
>> Yeah I had thought of suggesting this group all just subscribe to irp
>> instead of creating a new list, especially not one that sounds
>> so...Canadian ; )
>> While it is everyone's right to form new associations, I could not see
>> any clear differentiation from the IRP's mandate or work. But maybe I
>> havent been looking closely enough. I agree with Lee's proposal. Keeping
>> on dividing CS spaces may not be very beneficial to us. parminder
>> Can our irp coordinators extend such an invite to the accessnow et al
>> crowd?
>> OK by folks?
>> Lee
>> ______________________________**____________________
>> From: irp-bounces at lists.**internetrightsandprinciples.**org<irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
>> [irp-bounces at lists.**internetrightsandprinciples.**org<irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>]
>> on behalf of michael
>> gurstein [gurstein at gmail.com]
>>  Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 8:55 AM
>>  To: 'irp'
>>  Subject: [IRP] FW: [IDRC] testy testy test
>> I must say that I'm somewhat confused here... maybe I've missed
>> something... Is the new "IDRC" list meant to replace the IRP list?
>> If so, no problem but I must say that the acronym "IDRC"  is quite
>> unfortunate if not something of a major problem...
>> Whether unconscious or conscious I'm not sure, but either way
>> the acronym  "IDRC" is much more generally identified with the
>> (Canadian) International Development Research Centre which pretty anyone
>> who knows anything in the area of international development will
>> immediately recognize and will, as was I, be thoroughly confused and
>> disconcerted... (the folks at the IDRC who provide funding in Digital
>> Rights areas among many others might be rather upset as well about the
>> possible confusion.
>> Best,
>> Mike
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: irp-bounces at lists.**internetrightsandprinciples.**org<irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
>> [mailto:irp-bounces at lists.**internetrightsandprinciples.**org<irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>]
>> On Behalf Of
>> Mike Rispoli
>>  Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2012 3:35 PM
>>  To: International Digital Rights Coalition
>>  Subject: Re: [IRP] [IDRC] testy testy test
>> got it
>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Jochai Ben-Avie <jochai at accessnow.org>
>> wrote:
>> huzzah!
>> --
>> Jochai Ben-Avie
>>  Policy Director
>>  Access | AccessNow.org
>>  P: +1-347-806-9531 | S: jochaiben-avie | PGP: 0x9E6D805F
>> ______________________________**_________________
>>  IDRC mailing list
>>  IDRC at lists.accessnow.org
>>  https://lists.accessnow.org/**listinfo/idrc<https://lists.accessnow.org/listinfo/idrc>
>> --
>> Mike Rispoli
>> Campaign and Media Strategy I Access
>> +1-646-209-0802 I Skype: mlrispoli
>> mike at accessnow.org
>> press at accessnow.org
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> IRP mailing list
>> IRP at lists.**internetrightsandprinciples.**org<IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
>> http://lists.**internetrightsandprinciples.**org/listinfo.cgi/irp-**
>> internetrig<http://lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org/listinfo.cgi/irp-internetrig>
>> htsandprinciples.org
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> IRP mailing list
>> IRP at lists.**internetrightsandprinciples.**org<IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
>> http://lists.**internetrightsandprinciples.**org/listinfo.cgi/irp-**
>> internetrig<http://lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org/listinfo.cgi/irp-internetrig>
>> htsandprinciples.org
>> --
>> Graciela Selaimen
>> Instituto Nupef
>> www.nupef.org.br
>> www.politics.org.br
>> www.rets.org.br
>> www.tiwa.org.br
> Dr Marianne Franklin
> Reader & Convener of the Global Media & Transnational Communications
> Program
> Media & Communications
> Goldsmiths, University of London
> New Cross
> London SE14 6NW
> United Kingdom
> Tel (direct): #44 (0)207 919-7072
> Fax: #44 (0) 207 919-7616
> email: m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
> http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/**media-communications/staff/**franklin.php<http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/media-communications/staff/franklin.php>
> http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/**pg/ma-transnational-**
> communications-global-media.**php<http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/pg/ma-transnational-communications-global-media.php>
> Recent Publications
> Transnational Communications in Action: A Critical Praxis", M. I.
> Franklin & Kenton T. Wilkinson, Communication, Culture, and Critique, 4
> (2011) 361-381:
> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.**com/doi/10.1111/j.1753-9137.**
> 2011.01112.x/abstract<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1753-9137.2011.01112.x/abstract>
> Decolonising the Future: Not to go where Cyborgs have gone before?, in
> Interoperabel Nederland, Nico Westpalm van Hoorn, Peter Waters & Pieter
> Wisse (eds), Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. Den Haag: The Netherlands,
> 2011: 4- 22:
> http://www.**forumstandaardisatie.nl/**fileadmin/os/publicaties/01.1_**
> Franklin.pdf<http://www.forumstandaardisatie.nl/fileadmin/os/publicaties/01.1_Franklin.pdf>
> Digital Dilemmas: Transnational Politics in the 21st Century, Brown Journal
> of World Affairs. Vol. XVI, Issue 11, 2010: 67-85
> ______________________________**_________________
> IRP mailing list
> IRP at lists.**internetrightsandprinciples.**org<IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
> http://lists.**internetrightsandprinciples.**org/listinfo.cgi/irp-**
> internetrightsandprinciples.**org<http://lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org/listinfo.cgi/irp-internetrightsandprinciples.org>
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