[IRP] Declaration on Internet Freedom

Benedek, Wolfgang wolfgang.benedek@uni-graz.at wolfgang.benedek
Fri Aug 3 10:29:08 EEST 2012

We can support it as contributing to the movement towards human rights in the internet, but should use the opportunity to highlight what has already been done by the DC IRP, which goes much further and which must not be watered down.

We must not replace binding human  rights by political principles!

Best regards

Wolfgang Benedek

Von: Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com<mailto:gpaque at gmail.com>>
An: "andrewrens at gmail.com<mailto:andrewrens at gmail.com>" <andrewrens at gmail.com<mailto:andrewrens at gmail.com>>
Cc: IRP <Irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org<mailto:Irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>>
Betreff: Re: [IRP] Declaration on Internet Freedom

Yes from me too. I think the reasons are quite obvious, but: I think supporting this statement is exactly what the IRP should be doing, especially if we could not do the work of writing it ourselves. Supporting the work of other statements/groups with the same objectives and principles is logical and important.
Ginger (Virginia) Paque

VirginiaP at diplomacy.edu<mailto:VirginiaP at diplomacy.edu>
Diplo Foundation
Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme

On 2 August 2012 11:17, Andrew Rens <andrewrens at gmail.com<mailto:andrewrens at gmail.com>> wrote:
yes from me

On 2 August 2012 12:10, Dixie Hawtin <Dixie at global-partners.co.uk<mailto:Dixie at global-partners.co.uk>> wrote:
Hi IRPers,

There is one thing I wanted to ask for your opinions on, and two thing to share with you:

OPINIONS: As was discussed on the list recently ? a group of civil society organisations in the US have developed a Declaration on Internet Freedom (http://www.internetdeclaration.org/) some of our members were involved in drafting the declaration (and we are informed that future iterations will point to the 10 IRPs as one of the initiatives they are seeking to build upon) and many have signed on in their institutional capacity. Shall we as a Coalition sign on? Some members have already suggested that we do so. Please say yes or no with your reasons by Wednesday August 8 and assuming that we are in favour we will sign on!

FOR INFORMATION: Last week Global Partners and Associates (the organisation I work for), the Association for Progressive Communications, the Kenya Human Rights Commission and Ford Foundation East Africa organised an event in Nairobi which brought together a group of human rights, media and ICT civil society groups from across sub-Saharan Africa. The group has today launched a statement affirming the internet?s central role as a space to enable democratisation and promote human rights. The statement calls on a wide range of stakeholders to strengthen their support for human rights online, to extend initiatives to improve access to information, and to facilitate effective civil society participation in all governance processes addressing internet-related issues (it specifically mentions the ITU). The full statement can be read here: http://global-partners.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Final-Statement-of-the-Pan-African-CS-Workshop-on-Who-Controls-the-Internet_02082012.pdf

FOR INFORMATION: Marianne has been working hard to find a volunteer to take on our website so that we can build a stronger web presence as a Coalition. More information to follow!

Very best,
Dixie Hawtin
Project Manager, Freedom of Expression and Digital CommunicationsGlobal Partners and Associates
Development House, 56-64 Leonard St, EC2A 4LT, UK
Office: +44 (0)20 7549 0338<tel:%2B44%20%280%2920%207549%200338>
mailto:dixie at global-partners.co.uk

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Andrew Rens

ex africa semper aliquid novi (http://aliquidnovi.org)

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