[IRP] FW: China wants international code of conduct on internet, etc. (Letter to SG)

Joy Liddicoat joy
Tue Sep 20 17:24:25 EEST 2011

Hi - sending through the latest development FYI



From: Philippe Dam [mailto:damp at hrw.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, 20 September 2011 2:26 p.m.
To: joy at apc.org; sejal at article19.org; anriette at apc.org; valeriab at apc.org;
henrik at apc.org
Subject: FW: China wants international code of conduct on internet, etc.
(Letter to SG)




Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 11:05 AM
Subject: China wants international code of conduct on internet, etc. (Letter
to SG)

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