[IRP] Slim Amamou (and other bloggers) arrested in Tunisia

Meryem Marzouki meryem
Fri Jan 7 19:52:23 EET 2011


Thanks, but as I just said earlier: be cautious, if not for yourself,  
at least for the others. I think you should remove your "sources" of  
information, links and advice. The mentioned people won't claim any  
copyright;) Thanks.

BTW, please add a link to this piece from Danny O'Brien (CPJ,  
formerly EFF) and the following discussion: they're are of high  
interest, as they very well explain the "technical performance":  


Le 7 janv. 11 ? 18:27, Bodle, Robert a ?crit :

> Hi all, I posted a composite note (via Meryem and links from  
> Rafik). Please "Like," Comment, and raise its salience! Thank you.
> http://www.facebook.com/note.php? 
> created&&note_id=485057762531&id=89835642002#!/ 
> internetrightsandprinciples
> Also, on http://twitter.com/netrights, please RT
> Robert
> ________________________________________
> From: irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org [irp- 
> bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org] On Behalf Of Dixie  
> Hawtin [Dixie at global-partners.co.uk]
> Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 12:15 PM
> To: M I Franklin; Meryem Marzouki; IRP; Expression IPjustice
> Subject: Re: [IRP] Slim Amamou (and other bloggers) arrested in  
> Tunisia
> Robert has tweeted about it on the IRP Twitter account (netrights)
> I rashly sent an email to the Tunisian Ministry of Human Rights in  
> my personal capacity just in case it would be helpful, but from the  
> stories about WSIS in Tunisia it seems that the Ministry is most  
> likely a facade. We probably need more information about what  
> happened and certainly about the situation in Tunisia to know what  
> will be useful/not harmful. I agree with Meryem, it would be most  
> effective to add our weight to an ongoing initiative, if anyone  
> knows or hears of anything relevant please send it through on the  
> list.
> Dixie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org [mailto:irp- 
> bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org] On Behalf Of M I  
> Franklin
> Sent: 07 January 2011 16:47
> To: Meryem Marzouki; IRP; Expression IPjustice
> Subject: Re: [IRP] Slim Amamou (and other bloggers) arrested in  
> Tunisia
> Thanks Meryem for this good advice;
> Thanks everyone else for links and ideas that even those (Still)  
> without
> Twitter accounts can access/spread!
> best
> MF
> --On Friday, January 07, 2011 17:24 +0100 Meryem Marzouki
> <meryem at marzouki.info> wrote:
>> For more efficiency, I think it's better to join any action that   
>> might
>> be undertaken by the people who are closer to the protesters  than  
>> both
>> IRP and FoE lists are. Watch out these websites, inter alia  (in  
>> English):
>> - http://24sur24.posterous.com/tag/sidibouzid (events and protests in
>> Tunisia, on and off line)
>> - http://nawaat.org/portail/ (reporting and cyberactivism)
>> - http://globalvoicesonline.org/-/world/middle-east-north-africa/  
>> tunisia/
>> As well as the press and human rights defenders / press freedom
>> organizations websites. Mainstream media are starting to report  
>> on  the
>> events, but Al Jazeera has an extended coverage, including this   
>> article
>> on "Tunisia's bitter cyberwar" at: http://
>> english.aljazeera.net/indepth/features/2011/01/20111614145839362.html
>> If you're on twitter, useful hashtags are: #SidiBouzid,  
>> #OpTunisia.  If
>> you want to follow the twitter account of Al Jazeera journalist   
>> covering
>> the situation: http://twitter.com/yasmineryan
>> One may also join demonstrations and other actions in different
>> countries where they're organized. There are some in Paris, and
>> Montreal, and probably other cities where there's an active Tunisian
>> community, especially students.
>> Best,
>> Meryem
>> Le 7 janv. 11 ? 16:40, Dixie Hawtin a ?crit :
>>> Hi Meryem,
>>> I have heard about the very sorry situation in Tunisia and it is
>>> desperately sad that Slim has been targeted. Thanks for letting us
>>> know.
>>> I'm just wondering is there anything we can do? An online petition,
>>> or people we should send messages of support (or censure) to, or
>>> something else? Does anyone have any ideas? I would like us to
>>> respond in some way.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dixie
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: irp-bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org [mailto:irp-
>>> bounces at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org] On Behalf Of Meryem
>>> Marzouki
>>> Sent: 07 January 2011 15:28
>>> To: IRP; Expression IPjustice
>>> Subject: [IRP] Slim Amamou (and other bloggers) arrested in Tunisia
>>> Dear all,
>>> You've probably heard about the situation in Tunisia, with street
>>> demonstrations, strikes and other actions following events in the
>>> city of Sidi Bouzid since mid-December, when a young unemployed men
>>> selling goods in the streets immolate himself after the police  
>>> seized
>>> his goods. He recently died. These protests and of course this
>>> desperate act, are a consequence of corruption and very high  
>>> level of
>>> unemployment, especially for young people including highly educated
>>> people, in the country.
>>> The Tunisian authorities exercizes severe repression against
>>> protesters, and has intensified the censorship of the press and any
>>> independent reporting and the targetting of any dissenting voice. In
>>> particular, Slim Amamou - who recently participated to our
>>> discussions on the IRP list, that's why I'm especially mentioning
>>> him  - and other bloggers have been arrested, and there are no news
>>> about their situation, except that Slim was detained at the ministry
>>> of Interior headquarters.
>>> Information in English may be found at: http://
>>> globalvoicesonline.org/-/world/middle-east-north-africa/tunisia/ and
>>> at: http://fr.readwriteweb.com/2011/01/07/divers/blogueur-slim- 
>>> amamou-
>>> auteur-sur-readwriteweb-arrt-en-tunisie-sidibouzid/?
>>> utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A
>>> +readwriteweb-france+%28ReadWriteWeb+France%29 (the latter  
>>> article is
>>> in French, but there are some comments in English at the bottom of
>>> the page).
>>> There is also an audio interview in English, including an interview
>>> of Slim - of course before his arrest - at: http:// 
>>> media.theworld.org/
>>> audio/010620118.mp3 (interview by Clark Boyd,BBC correspondent in
>>> Brussels,published on 6 January).
>>> Wanted to let you know...
>>> Best,
>>> Meryem
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> Dr Marianne Franklin
> Reader
> Convener of the Transnational Communications & Global Media Program
> Media & Communications
> Goldsmiths
> New Cross
> London SE14 6NW
> United Kingdom
> Tel (direct): #44 (0)207 919-7072
> Fax: #44 (0) 207 919-7616
> email: m.i.franklin at gold.ac.uk
> http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/media-communications/staff/franklin.php
> http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/pg/ma-transnational-communications- 
> global-media.php
> "It is difficult to be sat on all day, every day, by some other  
> creature,
> without forming an opinion on them. On the other hand, it is perfectly
> possible to sit all day, every day, on top of another creature and  
> not have
> the slightest thought about them whatsoever." (Douglas Adams)
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