[IRP] Workshop proposal on Internet Governance Principles

Meryem Marzouki meryem
Wed Apr 27 02:09:25 EEST 2011

Dear Marilia and Carlos, dear all,

I think such a workshop would be a very good opportunity to understand the various initiatives, their aims, processes and substantive results, where they converge or diverge and on which issues, and how best interrelating them. Thus, I would support the coalition co-organization of / participation to this workshop.

As I already told Lisa in private some times ago, I'm also going to propose (only some days before the deadline!) the same kind of discussion, but in another framework: that of the 21st CFP (Computers, Freedom and Privacy) conference, to be held in Washington DC, June 14-16 2011 (http://www.cfp.org/2011). I'm planning to ask representatives of most of the initiatives you've identified (though not all and I'll add some not listed in your proposal), including of course the Brazilian initiative. I'll be contacting the concerned people by private mail very soon.

I think the more we disseminate and discuss these initiatives, especially in different settings and with different audiences, the more we can enrich their outcomes.


Le 22 avr. 2011 ? 01:17, Marilia Maciel a ?crit :

> Sending of behalf of Carlos Affonso. His e-mails are bouncing.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza <caffsouza at gmail.com>
> Date: 2011/4/21
> Subject: Workshop proposal on Internet Governance Principles
> To: irp <Irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>
> Hi everyone:
> I know it is sort of a late call, but we (Center for Technology and
> Society - CTS/FGV) have been considering the proposal of a workshop
> for the next IGF to discuss the several documents on internet
> governance principles that have been around recently. Of course the
> IRP would play a relevant role on that debate as we have the Charter
> and the 10 Principles to report on.
> The general idea of this workshop is to compare those documents and to
> get people to debate procedural and substantive issues that such
> initiatives have faced. Another goal is to have a session that could
> frame the multistakeholderism debate as a debate over principles for
> internet governance.
> Any suggestion is more than welcome. We are open to any comments on
> the substance and the panelists that could be involved to foster the
> debate.
> Best,
> Carlos
> Internet Governance Principles: different initiatives toward the
> improvement of a global internet governance
> The establishment of principles that should govern and enlight future
> regulation of key aspects of the Internet are at the core of the
> debate over Internet Governace. In a multistakeholder approach (being
> multistakeholderism itself a fundamental internet governance
> principle), a number of initiatives have been launched in recent years
> as to debate and frame charters, bills and recommendations.
> What are the similarities of such initiatives and how a better
> understanding of such enterprises could lead us to a more
> participative, transparent and effective internet governance? The
> workshop will focus on the challenges that such initiatives have
> faced, from organizational issues (such as diverse representation,
> ways to take stock of different perspectives and to reach agreement)
> to content issues (such as the preponderancy of some principles and
> which ones are the most contingent ones).
> The workshop would tentatively gather for discussion representatives
> of (i) IGF?s Internet Rights and Principles Dynamic Coalition (?10
> Principles for Internet Governance?); (ii) Council of Europe Ad Hoc
> Advisory Group on Cross-border Internet (?Draft Declaration on
> Internet Governance Principles?); (iii) Brazilian Government (?Marco
> Civil da Internet?); (iv) CGI.br (?Principles for the government and
> use of Internet?); and (v) APC (?Code of Good Practice on Information,
> Participation and Transparency on Internet Governance?).
> Organization:
> Center for Technology and Society (CTS/FGV) at Getulio Vargas Foundation
> Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza, Marilia Maciel and Joana Varon
> --
> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS/FGV)
> Escola de Direito da Funda??o Getulio Vargas
> tel. +55 21 3799-6065
> caf at fgv.br
> --
> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS/FGV)
> Escola de Direito da Funda??o Getulio Vargas
> tel. +55 21 3799-6065
> caf at fgv.br
> -- 
> Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade
> FGV Direito Rio
> Center for Technology and Society
> Getulio Vargas Foundation
> Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
> _______________________________________________
> IRP mailing list
> IRP at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org
> http://lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org/listinfo.cgi/irp-internetrightsandprinciples.org

Meryem Marzouki - Paris, France
Email: meryem at marzouki.info
Lab. LIP6/CNRS/UPMC - www-polytic.lip6.fr
IRIS (Imaginons un r?seau Internet solidaire) - www.iris.sgdg.org
EDRI (European Digital Rights) - www.edri.org

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