[IRP] Charter - process for version 1.1

Lisa Horner LisaH
Tue Oct 19 06:10:47 EEST 2010

Dear all
Thanks to people who responded to the call for opinions about how to take the immediate revision of the Charter forwards.  We didn?t have loads of responses, but there were more in favour of option 1 (a quicker revision to address immediate concerns, led by Dixie) than option 2 (a longer discussion and working process within the coalition).
I do understand (and think it's great!) the interest in working further on the document within the coalition.  So I suggest, based on the discussions had on the list, that we compromise.  Dixie had already put aside some time this week to look at the Charter, based on the timetable that was proposed in Vilnius.  So I suggest we go ahead with that.
She will only be looking at section 1 .  She'll look at the comments that we've already received on the text and will:

-          More clearly separate out existing human rights standards from more aspirational principles.

-          Check the text to correct mistakes and clarify language where necessary.

-          Take on board any suggestions that have already been made about making the text more inspirational where possible, bearing in mind that the objective of the document is to apply existing rights standards.

-          Write clear notes that detail:

o   Where and why she has made any changes.

o   Outstanding concerns that need further discussion (either within coalition and/or in external consultation).

o   Suggestions for further improvements (for example in the ordering of articles).

o   Suggestions for thematic issues for the external consultation.
She will send the coalition a revised version of the text by Wednesday next week (27th October).  Coalition members can then read the revised text and accompanying notes.  They can check if this new draft addresses the immediate concerns that they had about the text.  If there are still major concerns, we will need to discuss what we can/will do about them.  If there are suggestions for alternative language or improvements, people can send their ideas to the list for discussion.  Depending on what comes through, we can work out how to take it forward from there.
I hope that sounds ok?
All the best,
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