[IRP] Proposal for IRP to register as an At Large Structure

Lisa Horner LisaH
Mon Oct 4 13:57:14 EEST 2010

Dear all

Please see below a note from Wolf Ludwig, suggesting that the IRP join ALAC-EURALO.  Olivier and Rafik have also been looking at how we can best coordinate with ICANN and its networks (ALAC and NCSG).  

Thanks Wolf for this invitation and for your support.

What do people think about this proposal?

Olivier - please could you send through the note you drafted before which gives a bit more background about ALAC.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wolf Ludwig [mailto:wolf.ludwig at comunica-ch.net] 
Sent: 22 September 2010 15:05
To: parminder; Lisa Horner; Meryem Marzouki
Cc: b at nwagner.org; Wolfgang Benedek; Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
Subject: Re: [IRP] IRP IGF notes

Dear Parminder, Lisa and all,

as discussed in Vilnius with Lisa, Wolfgang, Ben and others, we were 
not active to add much input to the IRP Charter discussion and process 
but we can help to promote its impact.

It was Max Senges, Vittorio Bertola and others who organised a WG on 
IRP at the 1st ICANN Internet User Summit in Mexico in March 2009. In 
the final declaration of this Summit At-Large at ICANN announced - as 
a commitment! - that we will follow-up this discussion in related fora 
(like IGF etc.) and we nominated two people for it. In the time between 
not so much happened ...

The excellent draft what was submitted at the recent IGF offers a good 
opportunity to re-start the discussion at the ALAC-ICANN level. One 
option to foster this discussion among ICANN user representatives could 
be if the dynamic coalition would join ALAC - EURALO as an At-Large 
Structure (ALS). Such a membership brings EURALO in a position to push 
the IRP Charter on the ALAC agenda again. Other scenarios can be 
discussed as well ... It's just to reconfirm that we will try our best to 
support the further IRP process.

Kind regards,

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