[IRP] Outcomes from call and next steps

Lisa Horner LisaH
Fri Nov 5 17:29:50 EET 2010

Hi all

Thanks to those who were able to join the call.  We had Wolfgang, Parminder, Meryem, Vittorio, Dixie, Marianne and me.

We discussed how we would go forwards with our work to finalise version 1.1 of the charter before we release it for external consultation.  Following on from the areas for further work that Dixie identified in her last email (29th Oct), we decided that we need some in-depth conversations amongst ourselves to agree on some major issues.  In addition, there are outstanding questions about some of the detail of the text that might strengthen/improve 1.1.

So, we thought it might be useful to have a two-tiered work plan to think through and discuss the issues: in-depth discussions around the major issues, and online consultation around the issues of detail.

The plan would be to have a finalized version of 1.1 by the end of December or, I think more realistically given the xmas holidays, by 10th JANUARY.

For those who were on the call, please correct me if I have this wrong.

I've outlined a suggested work plan for us below, based on the issues that have emerged from our discussions and work so far. Please let us all know if you're happy with this/send your comments on the plan through asap (by next Thursday 11th).  We're working with a very tight timescale here!  The docs are still at: http://www.freedomofexpression.org.uk/resources/irp+charter+of+human+rights+and+principles+for+the+internet

Thanks again to everyone for participating in this exciting process.  It's perhaps a bit lengthier and more complex than we anticipated, but I personally feel like I'm learning a great deal and that we're making progress towards a high quality and valuable document.

All the best,




A) IN-DEPTH DISCUSSIONS OF MAJOR, OVERALL ISSUES We'll have a short series of in-depth discussions about major issues.  Each discussion will be based around a specific issue.  For each issue, we will have a week to define the questions we need to answer and put all of the issues on the table.  We'll do this on the email list.  We will then have a conference call to answer the question and make a final decision on the issue.  I think the main issues for in-depth discussion are:

1) The objectives and character of the Charter: We need to clearly define what exactly the Charter is, and what it is for.  For example, are we narrowly interpreting existing law, are we defining emerging standards, or are we being more aspirational?  There is still disagreement on this within the coalition itself, leading to misunderstandings and disagreement.  Once we have a clearer definition and determined some of the boundaries to our work, that will help to answer some of the outstanding questions we have about the content of the Charter.

2) Access: The current draft of 1.1 has separated out "the right to access the Internet" and placed it at the beginning of the Charter.  We need to decide between us whether this is the right way to deal with the issue of access.

3) Limitations and restrictions on rights: Should the Charter detail what the acceptable restrictions on rights are? If so, what in the current draft needs to be changed to make sure that we are not threatening existing legal human rights standards?

4) The preamble: Once we have worked through all of the issues, we need to revisit the preamble to make sure it is an accurate reflection of our objectives, and is in  line with the rest of the text.


B) STRUCTURED INTERNAL CONSULTATION ON MATTERS OF DETAIL In her recent revision, Dixie identified a number of changes she'd like to make related to specific articles in the Charter that she thinks will strengthen the text. These are labeled as "specific issues" in her previous email (29th Oct), for example whether "consumer protection" should be included, and whether specific groups should be referred to under non-discrimination.  We'll try to set up some kind of survey or discussion system (ie survey monkey) so that we can vote yes or no to the change, or make specific comments on the issues.

We'll send a list of the questions through to be consulted on before we finalise the survey so we can discuss.  So please send through any comments you have on the current draft 1.1 so that we can work out if they should be included in the consultation by Monday 15th November.


Suggested timeline:

A) In depth discussions

1) Objectives and nature of Charter

15th - 21st November: Online discussion.

Tuesday 23rd November: Conference call.

2) Access

24th- 30th November: Online discussion.

Thursday 2nd December: Conference call

3) Limitations and restrictions on rights 3rd - 12th December: Online discussion.

Monday 13th December: Conference call

4) Preamble

14th - 20th December: Online discussion and drafting Tuesday 21st December: Conference call.

B) Structured consultation on detail

Monday 15th November: deadline for comment on 1.1 22nd November - 13th December: coalition answer survey questions/vote on suggested changes.

JANUARY 10th - Final version 1.1 ready to go for external consultation.


Lisa Horner

Head of Research & Policy  Global Partners and Associates

338 City Road, London, EC1V 2PY, UK

Office: + 44 207 239 8251     Mobile: +44 7867 795859 LisaH at global-partners.co.uk<mailto:LisaH at global-partners.co.uk>  www.global-partners.co.uk<http://www.global-partners.co.uk>

Lisa Horner
Head of Research & Policy  Global Partners and Associates
338 City Road, London, EC1V 2PY, UK
Office: + 44 207 239 8251     Mobile: +44 7867 795859
LisaH at global-partners.co.uk<mailto:lisah at global-partners.co.uk>  www.global-partners.co.uk<http://www.global-partners.co.uk/>

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