[IRP] #1 meeting of 2010

Max Senges max
Wed Jan 6 17:04:24 EET 2010

Hi everyone

@Robert of course you are right about finding a time that works for most -
it's just a pretty tedious process and you'll never accomodate everybody
(I'd suggest we alternate every month)

oh and some agenda points are in my initial mail

I setup a skype confcall to which you can also dial-in from phones

Attached is a calendar event for this conference.

   - Conference Room Number: *3878018*

 *To use the HiDef Conferencing? service, you may call from:*

*Skype:*: +9900827043878018

Phone Numbers (Toll)
  Country Number
*Long distance costs apply
  *United States* +1 (201) 793-9022  *Canada* +1 (201) 793-9022  *Austria* +43
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hear you tomorrow



"The future is here. It?s just not widely distributed yet."
?William Gibson


Max Senges


Mobile: 01622122755

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Robert Guerra <guerra at freedomhouse.org>wrote:

> Max,
> Noon tomorrow (EST) - fine with me. I will only be able to be on the call
> for approx 45 min. If there's an agenda, please send in advance
> please consult with everyone next time in regards to the time. Would be
> good to find a time that works for those in east asia (china, japan, etc)
> Regards
> Robert
> ---
> Sent via Blackberry.
> Robert Guerra
> Project Director, Internet Freedom
> Freedom House
> Tel/SMS +1 202 569 1800
> Office +1 202 296 5101
> ------------------------------
>  *From*: maxsenges at gmail.com <maxsenges at gmail.com>
> *To*: Bodle, Robert <Robert_Bodle at mail.msj.edu>
> *Cc*: Biel Company Perez <bcompanyp at uoc.edu>;
> irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org <
> irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>; Robert Guerra; M.I.Franklin <
> M.I.Franklin at gold.ac.uk>; anja <anja at cis-india.org>; Lauren Movius <
> lmovius at usc.edu>; Matthias C. Kettemann <matthias.kettemann at uni-graz.at>;
> rafik, dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com>; Emily Laidlaw <emily at laidlaw.eu>;
> Graciela Selaimen <graciela at rits.org.br>; rudi.vansnick <
> rudi.vansnick at isoc.be>; Jac sm Kee <jac at apcwomen.org>; Carlos, Affonso
> Pereira de Souza <caffsouza at gmail.com>; HIBBARD Lee <Lee.HIBBARD at coe.int>;
> Andrea Beccalli <a.beccalli at unesco.org>; Lisa Horner <
> lisa at global-partners.co.uk>; Shaila Mistry <shailam at jaycopanels.com>;
> Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <ocl at gih.com>; johan.hallenborg <
> johan.hallenborg at foreign.ministry.se>; Jaco Aizenman <skorpio at gmail.com>;
> Sylvia Caras <sylvia.caras at gmail.com>; malte.spitz <malte.spitz at gruene.de>;
> Heike Jensen <dr.heike.jensen at web.de>; Elfa.Gylfadottir <
> Elfa.Gylfadottir at mrn.stjr.is>; me <me at isaacmao.com>
> *Sent*: Tue Jan 05 15:14:24 2010
> *Subject*: #1 meeting of 2010
> Hi IRPlers
> Should we meet this thrusday at 18.00 CET or 9am PST? I think it would be
> important to discuss this years work.
> a) think about a last round of input for the charter
>> b) the mandate for the expert review group
>> c) a procedure/schedule for choosing the chair
>> I can provide a telco where people can dial-in using a local land-line or
> we can use the conf-call system we used before?
>> best
>> max
>>> http://twitter.com/netrights
>>> http://www.facebook.com/internetrightsandprinciples
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: maxsenges at gmail.com [maxsenges at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Max Senges
>>> [max at supercoolschool.com]
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 6:41 AM
>>> To: Biel Company Perez
>>> Cc: irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org; Bodle, Robert; Robert
>>> Guerra; M.I.Franklin; anja; Lauren Movius; Matthias C. Kettemann; rafik,
>>> dammak; Emily Laidlaw; Graciela Selaimen; rudi.vansnick; Jac sm Kee; Carlos,
>>> Affonso Pereira de Souza; HIBBARD Lee; Andrea Beccalli; Lisa Horner; Shaila
>>> Mistry; Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond; johan.hallenborg; Jaco Aizenman; Sylvia
>>> Caras; malte.spitz; Heike Jensen; Elfa.Gylfadottir; me
>>> Subject: Re: [IRP] IRP-DC elections results
>>> Dear Biel, dear steering committee peers, dear IRPlers
>>> @Biel: thanks for managing the election process. we all know that error
>>> is human and while i would have appreciated to work with Heike in the
>>> steering committee, I am positive that her participation (as well as that of
>>> the other candidates who ran) will be very valuable and valued no matter in
>>> whether they are in the steering committee or not.
>>> @the freshly elected steering committee (SC) coleagues:
>>> (1) CONGRATULATIONS - This is going to be an exciting year and I am very
>>> much looking forward to working with you.
>>> (2) we now have to proceed to elect a chair amongst the 14 SC members.
>>> The charter simply says elect, which in my understanding could be via vote
>>> or consensus. I think it would be ideal to find consensus, but let's open
>>> the floor for nominations and then deliberate.
>>>    I would like to nominate Lisa Horner as IRP Chair. Lisa has been
>>> continuously furthering the development of our coalition and in fact many
>>> times she was the leading force behind organizing and running meetings and
>>> collabowritings. Thanks for all the work you did so far, I hope you accept
>>> the nomination.
>>> Maybe the easiest would be to have a conference call? I would be happy to
>>> meet next tuesday or wednesday? Given that we have two SC members from Asia
>>> I would suggest to stick to the 18.00 CET time, but I am of course flexible.
>>> (3) all steering committee members will have to choose whether you want
>>> to serve one or two years on the steering committee - please announce your
>>> choice on the list. Our charter states: "IRP will elect a steering
>>> committee, at least two of which will serve for one year and at least two of
>>> which will serve for two years. [...] Nominees will select which term length
>>> they prefer.
>>>      I am happy to serve for two years.
>>> (4) I propose that we setup a separate steering committee mailing-list
>>> which all SC members give high priority when dealing with their email. We
>>> all know that email traffic can be overwhelming and to have a method to
>>> quickly discuss and decide on a time-critical matter (e.g. whether or not to
>>> endorse an appeal or other document) would be very helpful.
>>> @all IRPlers: thanks for voting and for your continued interest and
>>> participation in our cause! The number of 44 votes might sound little,
>>> however this is a significant organizational development from the 8 folks
>>> who simply volunteered in the first year of the steering committee's
>>> existence, and the "improvised steering committee" we setup in the wake of
>>> the merger last year.
>>> In closing, I would be very interested to discuss and hear your
>>> perception of the mandate / schedule for the Expert Review & Consolidation
>>> of our "Charter of Human Rights and Principles on the Internet" sent by
>>> Meryem and forwarded by me on Dec. 14th  ("Re: Proposal for IRP Charter
>>> Revision")
>>> And of course it would be good to have some more community input for the
>>> Charter itself.
>>> To a good year for Internet Rights and Principles!
>>> Max
>>> --
>>> "The future is here. It?s just not widely distributed yet."
>>> ?William Gibson
>>> ...........................................................................
>>> Max Senges
>>> Berlin
>>> www.maxsenges.com<http://www.maxsenges.com>
>>> Mobile: 01622122755
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