[IRP] #1 meeting of 2010

Wed Jan 6 09:39:12 EET 2010

ok for me this Thursday at 18:00 CET
Lee Hibbard 
Media and Information Society Division/Division M?dias et Soci?t? de l'Information 
Direction G?n?rale des Droits de l'Homme et des Affaires Juridiques/Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs

Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe 
Tel: +33 388 41 31 04; Fax: +33 388 41 2705
lee.hibbard at coe.int 
www.coe.int/media <http://www.coe.int/media>  



From: maxsenges at gmail.com [mailto:maxsenges at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Max Senges
Sent: Tuesday 5 January 2010 21:14
To: Bodle, Robert
Cc: Biel Company Perez; irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org; Robert Guerra; M.I.Franklin; anja; Lauren Movius; Matthias C. Kettemann; rafik, dammak; Emily Laidlaw; Graciela Selaimen; rudi.vansnick; Jac sm Kee; Carlos, Affonso Pereira de Souza; HIBBARD Lee; Andrea Beccalli; Lisa Horner; Shaila Mistry; Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond; johan.hallenborg; Jaco Aizenman; Sylvia Caras; malte.spitz; Heike Jensen; Elfa.Gylfadottir; me
Subject: #1 meeting of 2010

Hi IRPlers

Should we meet this thrusday at 18.00 CET or 9am PST? I think it would be important to discuss this years work.

a) think about a last round of input for the charter 

	b) the mandate for the expert review group
	c) a procedure/schedule for choosing the chair

I can provide a telco where people can dial-in using a local land-line or we can use the conf-call system we used before? 


		From: maxsenges at gmail.com [maxsenges at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Max Senges [max at supercoolschool.com]
		Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 6:41 AM
		To: Biel Company Perez
		Cc: irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org; Bodle, Robert; Robert Guerra; M.I.Franklin; anja; Lauren Movius; Matthias C. Kettemann; rafik, dammak; Emily Laidlaw; Graciela Selaimen; rudi.vansnick; Jac sm Kee; Carlos, Affonso Pereira de Souza; HIBBARD Lee; Andrea Beccalli; Lisa Horner; Shaila Mistry; Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond; johan.hallenborg; Jaco Aizenman; Sylvia Caras; malte.spitz; Heike Jensen; Elfa.Gylfadottir; me
		Subject: Re: [IRP] IRP-DC elections results
		Dear Biel, dear steering committee peers, dear IRPlers
		@Biel: thanks for managing the election process. we all know that error is human and while i would have appreciated to work with Heike in the steering committee, I am positive that her participation (as well as that of the other candidates who ran) will be very valuable and valued no matter in whether they are in the steering committee or not.
		@the freshly elected steering committee (SC) coleagues:
		(1) CONGRATULATIONS - This is going to be an exciting year and I am very much looking forward to working with you.
		(2) we now have to proceed to elect a chair amongst the 14 SC members. The charter simply says elect, which in my understanding could be via vote or consensus. I think it would be ideal to find consensus, but let's open the floor for nominations and then deliberate.
		   I would like to nominate Lisa Horner as IRP Chair. Lisa has been continuously furthering the development of our coalition and in fact many times she was the leading force behind organizing and running meetings and collabowritings. Thanks for all the work you did so far, I hope you accept the nomination.
		Maybe the easiest would be to have a conference call? I would be happy to meet next tuesday or wednesday? Given that we have two SC members from Asia I would suggest to stick to the 18.00 CET time, but I am of course flexible.
		(3) all steering committee members will have to choose whether you want to serve one or two years on the steering committee - please announce your choice on the list. Our charter states: "IRP will elect a steering committee, at least two of which will serve for one year and at least two of which will serve for two years. [...] Nominees will select which term length they prefer.
		     I am happy to serve for two years.
		(4) I propose that we setup a separate steering committee mailing-list which all SC members give high priority when dealing with their email. We all know that email traffic can be overwhelming and to have a method to quickly discuss and decide on a time-critical matter (e.g. whether or not to endorse an appeal or other document) would be very helpful.
		@all IRPlers: thanks for voting and for your continued interest and participation in our cause! The number of 44 votes might sound little, however this is a significant organizational development from the 8 folks who simply volunteered in the first year of the steering committee's existence, and the "improvised steering committee" we setup in the wake of the merger last year.
		In closing, I would be very interested to discuss and hear your perception of the mandate / schedule for the Expert Review & Consolidation of our "Charter of Human Rights and Principles on the Internet" sent by Meryem and forwarded by me on Dec. 14th  ("Re: Proposal for IRP Charter Revision")
		And of course it would be good to have some more community input for the Charter itself.
		To a good year for Internet Rights and Principles!
		"The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet."
		-William Gibson
		Max Senges
		Mobile: 01622122755

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