[IRP] tomorrow 8am IRP workshop - sphinx room

shaila mistry shailam
Wed Nov 18 09:25:28 EET 2009

Hi Max, Emily  and everyone
I can hear and yes I am participating remotely 
Im on Skype as well
Shaila Rao Mistry

Life is too short ....challenge the rules
Forgive quickly ... love truly ...and tenderly
Laugh constantly.....and never stop dreaming! 


From: Emily Laidlaw <emily at laidlaw.eu>
To: Max Senges <maxsenges at gmail.com>
Cc: irp <Irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org>; shaila mistry <shailam at yahoo.com>; Lisa Horner <lisa at global-partners.co.uk>; "Bodle, Robert" <Robert_Bodle at mail.msj.edu>; Robert Guerra <guerra at freedomhouse.org>; wolfgang.benedek <wolfgang.benedek at uni-graz.at>; Jac sm Kee <jac at apcwomen.org>; Anriette Esterhuysen <anriette at apc.org>; Bertrand de La Chapelle <bdelachapelle at gmail.com>; Lauren Movius <lmovius at usc.edu>; Rebecca MacKinnon <rebecca.mackinnon at gmail.com>; Sylvia Caras <sylvia.caras at gmail.com>; Jan Schallab?ck <jan.schallaboeck at gmail.com>; Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com>; Fouad Bajwa <fouadbajwa at gmail.com>; Lea Shaver <lea.bishop at gmail.com>; Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <ocl at gih.com>; Loreto Corredoira <loretoc at ccinf.ucm.es>; Jaco Aizenman <skorpio at gmail.com>
Sent: Tue, November 17, 2009 10:15:56 PM
Subject: Re: tomorrow 8am IRP workshop - sphinx room

Is anyone else trying to participate remotely and hearing nothing? I
thought maybe the meeting hadn't started, but I can now hear Lisa
sounding as though she is speaking about IRP..

2009/11/17 Max Senges <maxsenges at gmail.com>:
> Hi everybody
> just wanted to remind you that we will have our IRP workshop tomorrow
> morning 8am
> remote participation via audio www.un.org/webcast/igf/ Room 6 and chat (i'll
> send the URL tomorrow morning)
> greetings
> max
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