[IRP] [governance] Second Latin American and Caribbean Preparatory Meeting for the IGF

Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza caffsouza
Wed Jul 15 20:03:39 EEST 2009

Hi everyone: just to let you know that we at the Center for Technology
and Society (CTS/FGV) are willing to help in the organization of the
IRP workshop here in Rio in August.

It would be important for the regional meeting to reflect the debates
that are going on inside the DCs. In addition to that, a major debate
over the balance between the needs of criminal prosecution and the
enforcement of human rights at the Internet environment is going on in
Brazil nowadays, as some of you may have heard, due to the proposal of
a very controversial Bill-of-Law. For reasons like that it would be
important to have the IRP DC staging this debate at the Rio meeting.

Count us in for the organization of such workshop. It would be very
nice to have some input from the members of the DC on what to target
in the event and, of course, all the help we can get to organize (and
think about) the workshop down here in Rio would be great.


2009/7/15 Graciela Selaimen <graciela at rits.org.br>:
> Dear all,
> I agree that it's a good opportunity for the IRP LAC members to meet in
> August.
> I'd suggest that the members of the coalition that are keen to organizing a
> meeting write directly to the group of organizers - which includes, beside
> myself, Carlos Afonso, Valeria Betancourt and Raul Echeberria.
> all the best,
> Graciela
> Jaco Aizenman escreveu:
>> Agree!.
>> 2009/7/14, Ginger Paque <gpaque at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Max and all,
>>> I would be interested, but do not know if the agenda is set. Graciela
>>> could tell us.
>>> I think rights and principles is an especially important area for LA
>>> right now.
>>> What do others say?
>>> Saludos,
>>> Ginger
>>> Max Senges wrote:
>>>> Hola Graciela, Carlos, Ginger, Olga, Jaco y todos los participantes de
>>>> america latina
>>>> is there interest in organizing a Rights and Principles related
>>>> workshop during the Latin American IGF?
>>>> Saludos
>>>> Max
>>>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Graciela Selaimen
>>>> <graciela at rits.org.br <mailto:graciela at rits.org.br>> wrote:
>>>> ? ?Dear all,
>>>> ? ?[sorry for cross posting]
>>>> ? ?The registrations for the Second Latin American and Caribbean
>>>> ? ?Preparatory Meeting for the IGF are now open. The meeting will be
>>>> ? ?held in Rio de Janeiro, in August, 2009.
>>>> ? ?The proposal of the regional preparatory meetings of the IGF is
>>>> ? ?being considered since the Rio de Janeiro's IGF meeting in 2007,
>>>> ? ?when it was identified the need for a more intense regionalization
>>>> ? ?of the IGF process. In the Egypt meeting there will be specific
>>>> ? ?spaces in the schedule for regional inputs, where there will be
>>>> ? ?presented the priorities of each region, discussed in the
>>>> ? ?preparatory meetings. To effectively take advantage of the space
>>>> ? ?dedicated to Latin America and the Caribbean, the Nupef Institute,
>>>> ? ?RITS, APC, (Association for Progressive Communications) and LACNIC
>>>> ? ?(Latin American and Caribbean Internet Registry) are organizing
>>>> ? ?the Second Latin American and Caribbean Preparatory Meeting for
>>>> ? ?the IGF - that will happen in Rio de Janeiro from August 11th to
>>>> ? ?August 13th, at the Novo Mundo Hotel. This meeting has the goal to
>>>> ? ?inform and raise awareness among LAC players about the topics and
>>>> ? ?discussions of the global IGF, to promote the debate on central
>>>> ? ?topics of the IGF 2009 and to identify the priorities of the
>>>> ? ?region in each of the topics.
>>>> ? ?The first meeting was organized by the same institutions, in
>>>> ? ?Montevideo, in 2008, and brought important inputs for the debates
>>>> ? ?that occured in the IGF Hyderabad.
>>>> ? ?Detailed information about the agenda and the event organization
>>>> ? ?is avalable in the following web
>>>> ? ?site: http://www.nupef.org.br/igf/english/
>>>> ? ?For further information about the Internet Governance Forum please
>>>> ? ?visit:
>>>> ? ?http://www.intgovforum.org/ <http://www.intgovforum.org/>
>>>> ? ?Results and information of the Regional Preparatory Meeting of the
>>>> ? ?IGF 2008:
>>>> ? ?http://lacnic.net/en/eventos/mvd2008/igf.html
>>>> ? ?regards,
>>>> ? ?Graciela
>>>> ? ?_______________________________________________
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