[IRP] ICANN Mexico: teaming up for 5.5. Work on an "Individual Internet Users" declaration.

Sylvia Caras sylvia.caras
Sat Feb 28 20:33:11 EET 2009

I appreciate Cheryl?s careful exploration.

Commenting on how to manage lay input, in the recent US presidential
campaign, websites were effectively used to gather and rank comments -
ICANN could do this.  And from the lay perspective, experts don?t
always represent their constituencies (again, political examples
abound) and an emphasis on the technical obstacles and required
technical expertise can use experts and their peers to perpetuate
existing embedded values.  That can stand in the way of reform.

When I see discussions of individual rights, I understand those to be
my rights and I expect to be able to follow the discussion in a
central place and comment.  So that users can participate in
explaining our rights, I?d suggest that we support easy language,
words that mean what they seem to mean, a more level field.  And
perhaps, if we used plain language, there?d be less wish for more and
more exchanges.

Here I think we might consider how best to separate the narrower ICANN
scope and overarching IGC concerns.

For me what I think are ICANN concerns related to this question with
respect to registrants:

>From the end-user perspective, I want to be able to know who owns the
domain and to find the bias or interest.  Now I sometimes can do that
with whois.

>From the domain owner perspective, I want to maintain my ownership of
my domain (or not) and want accountable renewal and transfer
procedures and a responsible, timely appeal process.


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