[IRP] Ang. Re: IRP-DC elections results

Mon Dec 21 15:30:04 EET 2009

Hello everyone, I too am very pleased to participate and look forward  
to working with you all.

I would support Lisa as chair.

Regards from snowbound and now closed Eurotunnel in Calais!

Happy holidays to all!

Lee Hibbard

Sent from my iPhone

On 21 d?c. 2009, at 14:21, "johan.hallenborg at foreign.ministry.se" <johan.hallenborg at foreign.ministry.s 
e> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Congratulations to all elected!
> I look very much forward to working with you all, learn more and to  
> contribute in any way I can. I am ready to serve for two years, and  
> I also propose Lisa as Chair.
> Happy holidays!!
> All the best,
> Johan
> <ATT716666.jpg>	
> Johan Hallenborg
> ?mnessakkunnig
> Enheten f?r folkr?tt, m?nskliga r?ttigheter och traktatr?tt
> Utrikesdepartementet
> Regeringskansliet
> www.regeringen.se	
> Telefon: +46 8 405 55 73
> Mobil: +46 76 277 32 84
> Special Adviser
> International Law and Human Rights Department
> Ministry for Foreign Affairs
> Government Offices of Sweden
> www.sweden.gov.se
> Be environmentally friendly: please don't print this email  
> unnecessarily
> Fr?n:	anja <anja at cis-india.org>
> Till:	Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com>
> Kopia:	Max Senges <max at supercoolschool.com>, Biel Company Perez <bcompanyp at uoc.edu 
> >, irp at lists.internetrightsandprinciples.org, "Bodle, Robert" <Robert_Bodle at mail.msj.edu 
> >, Robert Guerra <guerra at freedomhouse.org>, "M.I.Franklin" <M.I.Franklin at gold.ac.uk 
> >, Lauren Movius <lmovius at usc.edu>, "Matthias C. Kettemann" <matthias.kettemann at uni-graz.at 
> >, Emily Laidlaw <emily at laidlaw.eu>, Graciela Selaimen <graciela at rits.org.br 
> >, "rudi.vansnick" <rudi.vansnick at isoc.be>, Jac sm Kee <jac at apcwomen.org 
> >, "Carlos, Affonso Pereira de Souza" <caffsouza at gmail.com>, HIBBARD  
> Lee <Lee.HIBBARD at coe.int>, Andrea Beccalli <a.beccalli at unesco.org>,  
> Lisa Horner <lisa at global-partners.co.uk>, Shaila Mistry <shailam at jaycopanels.com 
> >, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <ocl at gih.com>, "johan.hallenborg" <johan.hallenborg at foreign.ministry.se 
> >, Jaco Aizenman <skorpio at gmail.com>, Sylvia Caras <sylvia.caras at gmail.com 
> >, "malte.spitz" <malte.spitz at gruene.de>, Heike Jensen <dr.heike.jensen at web.de 
> >, "Elfa.Gylfadottir" <Elfa.Gylfadottir at mrn.stjr.is>, me <me at isaacmao.com 
> >
> Datum: 	2009-12-20 14:01
> ?rende: 	Re: [IRP] IRP-DC elections results
> Dear all,
> Congratulations to all those elected! I have found it a great  
> experience to work with this DC over the past so many months.  Under  
> Max's dynamic chairpersonship, the IRP DC has fast emerged as one of  
> the most active ones within the IGF - thank you very much for all  
> your efforts and inputs Max.  I look forward to working with all of  
> you to continue to take the DC's important work forward. I will be  
> happy to serve for a term of two years.
> Unfortunately I will not be able to join any meeting on Tuesday or  
> Wednesday as I'll be in a highly intensive training workshop on both  
> days.  However, I can already say that I strongly support the  
> nomination of Lisa for the position of chair.  She has been  
> consistently working towards the development of the work of the DC,  
> in terms of both substance and process, and the knowledge, skills,  
> passion and commitment she has displayed at this time make her, I  
> believe, the ideal candidate.
> I would not, however, immediately set up a separate email list for  
> steering committee members.  I realise that high levels of traffic  
> on "practical" issues might lead to those solely interested in  
> substantive debates losing interest.  However, it is important that  
> endorsing documents and the like is done in as broad-based a process  
> as possible, as is, in fact, the setting up of meetings and the like  
> (which ideally should not include steering committee members  
> only...).  I would therefore prefer to continue to use the IRP list  
> (and will give it due priority!) at least for the time being.  If we  
> are really loosing too many readers because traffic is too high, we  
> can always still reconsider then.
> Happy Holidays to you all!
> Warm wishes,
> Anja
> On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 08:34:05 +0900, Rafik Dammak wrote:
> Hello,
> congratulations for the new elected steering committee, members  
> elected new faces to serve and it is good proof of how much the  
> coalition is active.
> Thanks to Biel for volunteering to manage the election process.
> I would like to serve for two years.
> Rafik
> 2009/12/19 Max Senges <max at supercoolschool.com>
> Dear Biel, dear steering committee peers, dear IRPlers
> @Biel: thanks for managing the election process. we all know that  
> error is human and while i would have appreciated to work with Heike  
> in the steering committee, I am positive that her participation (as  
> well as that of the other candidates who ran) will be very valuable  
> and valued no matter in whether they are in the steering committee  
> or not.
> @the freshly elected steering committee (SC) coleagues:
> (1) CONGRATULATIONS - This is going to be an exciting year and I am  
> very much looking forward to working with you.
> (2) we now have to proceed to elect a chair amongst the 14 SC  
> members. The charter simply says elect, which in my understanding  
> could be via vote or consensus. I think it would be ideal to find  
> consensus, but let's open the floor for nominations and then  
> deliberate.
>    I would like to nominate Lisa Horner as IRP Chair. Lisa has been  
> continuously furthering the development of our coalition and in fact  
> many times she was the leading force behind organizing and running  
> meetings and collabowritings. Thanks for all the work you did so  
> far, I hope you accept the nomination.
> Maybe the easiest would be to have a conference call? I would be  
> happy to meet next tuesday or wednesday? Given that we have two SC  
> members from Asia I would suggest to stick to the 18.00 CET time,  
> but I am of course flexible.
> (3) all steering committee members will have to choose whether you  
> want to serve one or two years on the steering committee - please  
> announce your choice on the list. Our charter states: "IRP will  
> elect a steering committee, at least two of which will serve for one  
> year and at least two of which will serve for two years. [...]  
> Nominees will select which term length they prefer.
>      I am happy to serve for two years.
> (4) I propose that we setup a separate steering committee mailing- 
> list which all SC members give high priority when dealing with their  
> email. We all know that email traffic can be overwhelming and to  
> have a method to quickly discuss and decide on a time-critical  
> matter (e.g. whether or not to endorse an appeal or other document)  
> would be very helpful.
> @all IRPlers: thanks for voting and for your continued interest and  
> participation in our cause! The number of 44 votes might sound  
> little, however this is a significant organizational development  
> from the 8 folks who simply volunteered in the first year of the  
> steering committee's existence, and the "improvised steering  
> committee" we setup in the wake of the merger last year.
> In closing, I would be very interested to discuss and hear your  
> perception of the mandate / schedule for the Expert Review &  
> Consolidation of our "Charter of Human Rights and Principles on the  
> Internet" sent by Meryem and forwarded by me on Dec. 14th  ("Re:  
> Proposal for IRP Charter Revision")
> And of course it would be good to have some more community input for  
> the Charter itself.
> To a good year for Internet Rights and Principles!
> Max
> --
> "The future is here. It?s just not widely distributed yet."
> ?William Gibson
> ... 
> ... 
> .....................................................................
> Max Senges
> Berlin
> www.maxsenges.com
> Mobile: 01622122755
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Biel Company Perez  
> <bcompanyp at uoc.edu> wrote:
> Dear IRP-DC members,
> I am pleased to announce that the following candidates have been  
> elected for the IRP-DC Steering Committee:
> Academy (44 participants):
> Carlos Alfonso Pereira de Souza (25 votes)
> Rafik Dammak (18 votes)
> Robert Bodle (18 votes)
> Marianne Franklin (18 votes)
> Civil Society (44 participants)
> Anja Kovacs (29 votes)
> Robert Guerra (21 votes)
> Graciela Selaiman (20 votes)
> Governmental institutions (38 participants)
> Lee Hibbard (28 votes)
> Andrea Becalli (22 votes)
> Johan Hallenborg (14 votes)
> Private Sector (44 participants)
> Lisa Horner (37 votes)
> Max Senges (32 votes)
> Shaila Rao Mistry (16 votes)
> Olivier JM Cr?pin-Leblond (16 votes)
> As you see, the election has ended in a tie among several members  
> within the academic and private sectors. Although this situation is  
> not regulated in the procedures for this electoral process, such  
> regulations do say that the Steering Committee may be ?no more than  
> 15? members. A simple criterion that is compatible with this limitat 
> ion and that does not make it necessary to organize a second elector 
> al round is to appoint the 3 most voted candidates within each stake 
> holder group, but allowing more than 3 appointments per stakeholder  
> group if there are several candidates in tie. The 14 member Steering 
>  Committee above results from applying this criterion.
> As a summarized election report, one problem for which I am entirely  
> responsible and sincerely apologize needs to be explained here. One  
> of the candidates, Heike Jensen, did not appear on the ballot list  
> during the first two days of the voting period. Although she did  
> appear as a candidate and her profile and electoral program were  
> available in the Google spreadsheet from the opening of the online  
> ballots, her name wasn?t added to the ballot?s candidate list  
> until December 4th, as soon as we were informed of the error. In ord 
> er to guarantee that this had not deprived the candidate from any vo 
> tes and that every IRP-DC member wishing to vote for her had the pos 
> sibility to do so, the 23 IRP-DC members who had already voted by th 
> e time the ballot was amended were sent an email giving them the pos 
> sibility to modify only one of their votes within the academic secto 
> r and only in favor of Heike Jensen. Two members expressed their wis 
> h to modify their votes, but neither of them could specify with cert 
> ainty the candidates they had elected, so no vote modifications were 
>  finally made. In view of the final results within the academic sect 
> or, however, such arrangements would not have altered the compositio 
> n of the Steering Committee.
> I would like to give special thanks to Prof. Derrick Cogburn, who  
> provided and managed the online voting system and whose contribution  
> was essential for sorting out problems as they emerged. Thanks also  
> to Max Senges for his support and counsel during the process, and to  
> all of you for your participation. Please do not hesitate to contact  
> me should you be interested in having any further details of the  
> process.
> Best,
> Biel Company P?rez
> IRPDC Steering Committee elections officer
> Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
> Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona.
> Tel.: (+34) 93 673 50 82
> bcompanyp at uoc.edu
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