[IRP] French party proposed "Declaration of Fundamental Digital Rights"
Max Senges
Tue Aug 18 17:01:19 EEST 2009
Dear IRPlers - below is a very interesting initiative in France
@Francois: I would love to learn more about it and invite the organizers to
participate in the redevelopment of the (international) Internet Rights
Charter. Francois please contact me for details.
< : > < : > < : > < : > < : > < : > < : > < : > < : > < : >
Dr. Max Senges
Chair Internet Rights and Principles Coalition
< : > < : > < : > < : > < : > < : > < : > < : > < : > < : >
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bertrand de La Chapelle <bdelachapelle at gmail.com>
Date: 2009/8/17
Subject: Proposed "Declaration of Fundamental Digital Rights"
To: Max Senges <maxsenges at gmail.com>
This is the site of the proposed Declaration on Digital Rights published in
June that you asked me about. Unfortunately only in French ... :
As you will see on the web site, this is an initiative supported by Herv?
Morin, French Minister of Defense, but as the leader of his party, "The New
Centre", not in his ministerial functions.
Interesting list of topics as mapping exercise, even if the wording of the
precise articles can still be developed.
The list of themes is :
- Right of Access to the Internet
- Respect of privacy and confidentiality of exchanges (assimilation of
personal information systems to the private home)
- Digital Dignity (probably tries to address the issue of defamation, or the
posting of videos that are detrimental to the dignity of people - happy
slapping ???)
- Property of digital information concerning someone
- Digital transparency : right to be informed of the existence of data about
you (probably also covers behavioral profiling and large marketing
- Anonymity
- Right to be forgotten (disappearance of informations about someone after a
certain period and right to suppress informations - rectification for
articles for instance)
The text affirms rights but with legal caveats, showing that in many cases
balance is hard to find.
Interesting exercise nonetheless.
Full text of the Declaration :
*Article 1er*<http://droits-numeriques.org/index.php/La-D%C3%A9claration/article-1ier.html>
* : R?seau Internet*
Toute personne a le droit d?acc?der et d?utiliser librement le r?seau
Internet, neutre et ouvert, sous r?serve de ne pas porter atteinte ? l?ordre
public et aux droits d?autrui.
*Article 2 *<http://droits-numeriques.org/index.php/La-D%C3%A9claration/article-2.html>
*: Vie priv?e num?rique*
Toute personne a droit au respect de sa vie priv?e num?rique et au secret
de ses ?changes num?riques. Les syst?mes d?information personnels sont
assimil?s au domicile priv?.
*Article 3*<http://droits-numeriques.org/index.php/La-D%C3%A9claration/article-3.html>
* : Dignit? num?rique*
La dignit? num?rique est un droit fondamental.
*Article 4*<http://droits-numeriques.org/index.php/La-D%C3%A9claration/article-4-la-propriete-numerique.html>
* : Propri?t? num?rique*
Toute personne est propri?taire des informations num?riques la concernant,
dans le respect des droits et libert?s d?autrui. L?usage de ces informations
est d?fini par la personne concern?e.
*Article 5*<http://droits-numeriques.org/index.php/La-D%C3%A9claration/article-5-la-transparence-numerique.html>
* : Transparence num?rique*
Toute personne a le droit d??tre inform?e de l?existence des informations
num?riques la concernant.
*Article 6*<http://droits-numeriques.org/index.php/La-D%C3%A9claration/article-6-lanonymat-numerique.html>
* : Anonymat num?rique*
Le droit ? l?anonymat num?rique gratuit est reconnu ? toute personne, sous
r?serve de ne pas porter atteinte ? l?ordre public et aux droits et libert?s
*Article 7*<http://droits-numeriques.org/index.php/La-D%C3%A9claration/article-7-le-droit-a-loubli.html>
* : Droit ? l?oubli*
Toute personne a le droit de retrait des informations dont elle est
propri?taire ou la concernant, sous r?serve de ne pas porter un pr?judice
grave aux personnes physiques ou morales d?tenant lesdites informations et
de ne pas nuire au devoir d?information g?n?rale et de r?alit? historique.
*Article 8*<http://droits-numeriques.org/index.php/La-D%C3%A9claration/articl-8lidentite-numerique.html>
* : Identit? num?rique*
Toute personne a droit ? une identit? num?rique.
Bertrand de La Chapelle
D?l?gu? Sp?cial pour la Soci?t? de l'Information / Special Envoy for the
Information Society
Minist?re des Affaires Etrang?res et Europ?ennes/ French Ministry of Foreign
and European Affairs
Tel : +33 (0)6 11 88 33 32
"Le plus beau m?tier des hommes, c'est d'unir les hommes" Antoine de Saint
("there is no greater mission for humans than uniting humans")
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