[IRPCoalition] Humanitarian ICT (IETF-BRIS)

Timothy Holborn timothy.holborn at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 23:00:42 EET 2024

HI All,

I'm going to IETF for the first time..  Looking to do something useful!
SO, in keeping with my general works overall - I'm thinking about how a
'humanitarian ict' RFC could be defined, and in-turn also, a tool i call
'Agent Discovery Protocol' (ADP) that is intended to provide information
about an agent that controls a domain...  for people, ADP is intended to be
really simple, ideally something that even a registrar could make
available; for organisations, it is intended to support use-cases that help
address various issues; including but not limited to, the means to identify
'humanitarian ict' sites / services, and ensure that they're able to be
prioritised even in cases where the (rest of the) internet gets 'turned

some slides;


This is still at the VERY EARLY stages...  i've been testing some ideas,
etc...  and am yet to submit to the requests to do the 'hotrfc' or
side-events or whatever it is that might help identify if this is something
others consider meritorious.

as such, whilst i've not got collaborators yet - i thought i'd highlight
the work with you - see if anyone is interested in it?  FWIW:
https://www.ietf.org/how/meetings/119/  - if you're going, or are planning
on participating remotely, and/or would be interested in participating in a
side-event if i were to look to create one - let me know???

Timothy Holborn
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