Tanka Aryal aryaltanka at gmail.com
Thu Mar 7 03:05:09 EET 2024

 Dear All,

Warm greetings from Nepal!

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Dennish and Purnima for being
elected as the Co-Chair and Member, respectively, of the IRPC Steering
Committee. Additionally, I would like to express my gratitude to each of
you for your invaluable support in electing me as a IRPC Steering Committee

I am fully committed to working closely and proactively with all Steering
Committee Members to contribute effectively towards the objectives of IRPC.

Big congratulation goes to Minda and the entire team for the successful
completion of the 2024 election process.

Looking forward to our continued collaboration.


*Tanka Aryal*
*Digital Rights Nepal*
Kathmandu, Nepal
+977-9851075026 (WhatsApp, Signal, Viber)
aryaltanka at gmail.com
tanka at digitalrightsnepal.org

On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 8:30 PM info at irpcharter.org <info at irpcharter.org>

> Dear all,
> The IRPC SC and co-chair election results are in! Thank you so much for
> waiting!
> We also took took note of your important comments, feedback and messages
> of support: the new Steering Committee will have the opportunity to look
> into them more closely and include them in the coalition's work.
> This year we sent out 478 ballots and received 64 responses  (two
> incomplete). This is around 13% of our membership and just above the 10%
> threshold for participation. All candidates have been endorsed as follows:
> *Question: Do you endorse Dennis Redeker's candidature for Co-Chair
> (2024-2026)? *
> Answer
> Count
> Percentage
> YES (A1)
> 55
> 85.94%
> NO (A2)
> 2
> 3.13%
> 5
> 7.81%
> No answer
> 0
> 0.00%
> Not completed or Not displayed
> 2
> 3.13%
> *Question: **Do you endorse Tanka Aryal’s candidature for Steering
> Committee Member (2024-2026)? *
> Answer
> Count
> Percentage
> YES (A1)
> 49
> 76.56%
> NO (A2)
> 6
> 9.38%
> 7
> 10.94%
> No answer
> 0
> 0.00%
> Not completed or Not displayed
> 2
> 3.13%
> *Question: * *Do you endorse Purnima Tiwari's candidature for Steering
> Committee Member (2024-2026)? *
> Answer
> Count
> Percentage
> YES (A1)
> 48
> 75.00%
> NO (A2)
> 7
> 10.94%
> 7
> 10.94%
> No answer
> 0
> 0.00%
> Not completed or Not displayed
> 2
> 3.13%
> Congratulations to our new Steering Committee members *Tanka* and
> *Purnima* and to our new co-chair *Dennis*!
> *The new Steering Committee:*
>    - Christiana Longe, Civil Society, Nigeria (2023-2025)
>    - Jacob Odame-Baiden, Civil Society, Ghana (extended term) (2023-2025)
>    - Minda Moreira, Civil Society, Portugal (2023-2025)
>    - Purnima Tiwari, Civil Society, India  (2024-2026)
>    - Raashi Saxena, Civil Society, India (outgoing co-chair) (2024-2026)
>    - Richard Kafui Amanfu, Technical community, Ghana (2023-2025)
>    - Tanka Aryal, Civil Society, Nepal (2024-2026)
> *Co-chairs*
>    - Dennis Redeker, Academia, Germany (2024-2026)
>    - Santosh Sigdel, Civil Society, Nepal (2023-2025)
> I would like to take this opportunity to thank Raashi, our outgoing
> co-chair, for her great work and support in the last two years.
> Also a very special thank you to IRPC members Marianne and Tapani for
> their unwavering support to this coalition. Marianne has been coordinating
> the Charter translations and the publication of the Charter booklets and
> the 10 Principles flyer.  Tapani has been always happy to support us with
> all technical issues and queries and has been instrumental to the smooth
> running of the election process.
> Thank you  again for submitting your comments and for the kind words of
> support!  For those who would like to be more involved in the coordination
> of the IRPC work please feel free to use this list as a space to share your
> ideas and input. We look forward to receiving your nominations to the IRPC
> Steering Committee next year :-)
> Very best wishes,
> Minda
> IRPC SC Elections Officer 2024
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